Revenge can Freeze a Heart

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I leveled my wand to Mal's face.

"Wait!" Ned yelled, dashing forward and grabbing my arm. "You can't do this!"

White hot anger clouded my head.

"What?! She killed Ekua!"

"I didn't mean to!" Mal said in defense.

I glared at her. "To late for that now!" She spat.

"No, Ziniba! You don't understand!"

"Who are you and what have you done to Ned?"

"I'm serious!"

I shoved him backwards.

"For six years we've both planned and plotted! What about that?!"

Ned swallowed.

"I lied."

Several emotions went through me. Surprise, hurt, sadness and betrayal, and then rage.

"What?" I seethed.

"But I'm still your friend!" He insisted.

"You are no friend of mine," I hissed, my lion ears laid flat on the back of my head.

I shoved him again and pointed the wand at Mal.

"No!" Ned yelled as he dove at me. He tackled me and pinned me down.

"Get off!" I screamed. Blasts of magic shot out of the wand.

"I won't let you do this!"

I tried to point the wand at him to maybe stupefy him momentarily or something but he pinned my hand down. I pulled my knee into his stomach and pushed him off.

We both jumped up and he grabbed the wand and tried to wrestle it from my hand. I dug my long nails into his wrist and he yelped in pain.

"You can't have it!" I yelled.

I spartan kicked him in the stomach and he went stumbling backwards.

Everyone seemed frozen as they watched us. Like they weren't sure what to do.

I jabbed the wand in Mal's direction and shot out a spell. Ned leaped forward and caught the spell right in his chest. He gasped as he hit the ground.

"Ned!" I screamed as the wand fell from my grip and I raced to his side. "Are you okay!"

"Ow. Ow, Ziniba, my heart," he said in a barely audible voice. "It's- I'm cold. It's so cold."

Sinbad ran over to us and began to examine Ned.

Ned's hair was turning white and his lips had turned blue and his face pale. He was shivering violently.

"Ziniba," Sinbad said as we watched another strip of Ned's hair turn white. "I think you froze his heart."

"Is there anything we can do?" I demanded.

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