how everything began.....

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Before this story starts and before I tell you about my life and how everything went to hell I guess I'm too lazy after all I guess I'm a Sans except I'm not a ketchup addict. Enough rambling let's get this started it all started a long time ago ink and error fighting constantly destroying more worlds but both of them didn't know something the fragments that were left behind we're living that's where my life begins the fragments started putting themselves together making me a silly old looking skeleton

i'm not going to lie I probably look stupid not my fault if you have a problem with that bring it up with the fragments anywhere as my body was slowly being made I started learning things I learned how to talk how to write I guess you could say I ...

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i'm not going to lie I probably look stupid not my fault if you have a problem with that bring it up with the fragments anywhere as my body was slowly being made I started learning things I learned how to talk how to write I guess you could say I was a stupid as a baby but with a full-grown body anyway this is my diary I know that I'm probably not going to put any spaces or periods so don't shout at me I'm lazy anyway as I was saying I was dumb and I started learning but then something happened out of nowhere I fell out the place that was my home I don't know what happened but I fell out of it I guess it was a portal or something and I ended up in a snowy looking place if I remember correctly it was Snowden....I felt like I had hyperthermia all over my body that's when I decided to put my hood up I probably look like a drug addict or some kind of child rapist but without the free candy van anyway getting back on track *cough* like Honey boo boo doing her exercise okay I know that was a very bad joke but can you blame me anyway I started walking through the snow for a couple of hours until I ran into a pair of skeletons the first one was very excited the other one well he was lazy their names were Sans and papyrus when I first met them I got dragged along to do puzzles after they asked me a crap load of questions since they never seen me before but I think that's enough for today we'll continue this tomorrow....


Hey it's me again anyway let's go back to talking i did a bunch of puzzles and my hood almost blew down thank God it didn't it would probably ask more questions which I have no reason to answer oh yeah I made something inside a sketchbook because I got bored while the skeleton was preparing the other puzzle

I got bored okay anyway after I did this weird puzzle with an orb on my head I'm not going to lie I got shocked 36 x and I felt like a piece of burnt chicken but I don't have any meat on my bones I'm a skeleton I continued off to Snowden with them...

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I got bored okay anyway after I did this weird puzzle with an orb on my head I'm not going to lie I got shocked 36 x and I felt like a piece of burnt chicken but I don't have any meat on my bones I'm a skeleton I continued off to Snowden with them where they showed me around the town I met a bunch of nice people I met someone called monster kid and I meet the nice Bunny lady who gave me a cinnamon bun and I have to say tastes pretty great maybe leaving my birth place wasn't so bad I don't feel lonely anymore to tell you the truth anyway I have ventured around a bunch I found that these igloos are kind of like magic I think that's how you spell it right whenever I went inside of one of them I appeared on the other side to tell you the truth it scared the hell out of I know my freaking magic talking skeleton I know right anyway I should probably stop writing in my book before I look like a weirdo I'll see you after the next day

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