Harry Potter: Gray Shadows Arc 3

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Harry and his friends return to the Flamels’ home to spend their summer before going back to Hogwarts, but training is harder than ever and the stress is getting to all of them. Can the group really take on two armies at once? Can they really end this war for good?

One thing’s for sure, in the wake of the Gray, nothing will be the same ever again.

Word Count: 28k

Summer, once again, was awful for many of the parties involved; however, that summer, the first universal translator was made due to quite the complicated communication system of house elves. Luckily, the product was done before the end of the summer and was sent in weeks before school would start again under the name of the Flamels. Despite achieving their goal, the translator was made in the midst of much chaos among the Shadows.

Before the group could go to the Flamels’ home, one thing had to be done. Draco and Harry had developed the plan months ago and were anxiously awaiting the time that it would be done. Tiddly was instructed to tell everyone in the Potter household, if they needed Harry, that he was sick and in bed. Draco didn’t need an excuse; as far as his parents knew, he was being punished for “back-talking his superiors” (his father) so Harry had come early to visit him in the dungeons. Lucius was expected to attend a death eater meeting that night, a little more than a fortnight before school would start again for the two third years. Meanwhile, Narcissa was still planning aid for the Dark Lord and had set up a safe place for MoldyVoldy’s last horcrux, Nagini, to hide for the battle on the 31st of October in Lestrange Manor. Both families unaware, Draco and Harry would sneak out of their homes and go to the Death Eater meeting in Lucius’s place. Consequently, Lucius slept upstairs and would wake tomorrow, believing the date to be that of the day before. Draco hastily drank the disgusting appearance/age changing potion, clutching Lucius’s wand in his hand, before altering his appearance once again to that of Lucius Malfoy. Harry took his hand after downing the potion (just in case) and the two disappeared without a sound.

Draco immediately used his power of camouflage to hide Harry before he could be seen by anyone. Harry stepped away from him carefully and silently while Draco carried out the position of his father. Walking forward, he bowed down, kissing the hem of the Dark Lord Voldemort’s robes. After MoldyVoldy nodded in approval, he stood and took his father’s place on Voldemort’s far side. He sneered at the company of the Dark Lord, perfectly imitating his father’s haughty attitude. Harry quietly stepped over to the area behind Voldemort. He quickly cast a small bubble around himself and Nagini who was slithering nearby and silenced the contents of the bubble from prying ears.

Nagini looked up curiously as she felt the magic encase her.

“We are aware, Nagini, that you are unwillingly being forced to contain a dark object for the man once known as Tom Riddle.” Nagini jumped in surprise, not being able to see Nightshade.

“Who are you, ssspeaker?” Nagini hissed back in reply.

“My name isss unimportant. My friendsss and I wish to extend an invitation of sssortsss. We will remove the dark sssignature from you without causing you harm, if you are willing to join my friendsss and I. We wisssh to take down your massster and Dumbledore, both.” Harry suggested. Nagini pondered the question for a few moments.

“How do I know I can trust you? I wasss tricked once before.” Nagini claimed. Briakora and Talon (in her smaller form) slithered out from Harry’s robes.

“We, both, have been terrorized by that vile man and ssset free. Myself, due to thisss man’sss help.” Talon calmly stated. Nagini looked at Briakora.

Harry Potter: Gray Shadows Arc 3Where stories live. Discover now