"Anything we can get our hands on, really." The Snow replied. "In every war, we must know the enemy, but we're completely in the dark when it comes to them."

"No, we're not." The Princess readily interjected, promoting Jon to send her a quizzical look.

"My mother used to tell me stories of our people and her days of battle; about the Long Night." Declared Diana. Hippolyta and Antiope always narrated the story of their people and the War for the Dawn to her as a young child. At the moment, Diana prided herself with the knowledge of their history, it was another way she could help by revealing so she was glad.

But she didn't know the full truth of the past. Her past. And how she came to be.

Jon somehow focused on the part where she said that her mother fought in the Long Night, his eyes widening in disbelief. If Queen Hippolyta fought in the Great War long ago, just how old was she supposed to be.

He truly knew nothing.

"What did she tell you?" The northern king asked before sitting down by her side.

"That long ago, a war ensued between the First men and the Children of the Forest."

Jon readily nodded in recognition. "I know of it, yes."

"They had so many differences, they led different lives, believed in different gods. A time came where they couldn't coexist." Diana explained.

"And then what happened?"

Jon's inquiry caused Diana to pause for a moment, thinking back to the sin the Forest people committed. The Children possessed strong magic powers, but the First Men were stronger, better armed with bronze weapons, and simply more numerous. They realized they couldn't hope to overcome the sheer numbers of humans - but came upon an idea to turn those very numbers against them.

"In desperation, the Children created him, the first White Walker." She announced; her words inducing a soft gasp from the Bastard.


"They made him to be their weapon, to fight mankind and protect themselves. But he was a monster of their own making."

Realization then hit Jon Snow, he was the Night King. "It's him, isn't it?"

Diana confirmed with a nod.

"They called him the Night King, the End of Worlds, he lived only to destroy. Thousands fell before his icy blade, and rose again as the Wights, soldiers in his army.

A great winter that lasted a generation descended on the world, followed by a night that went for years. Under the cover of darkness, the White Walkers invaded the realm from the uttermost north, causing immense suffering and destruction."

Jon listened intently to every word she said-some of which he already knew from the stories he heard growing up, but of course this was different. This wasn't a story.

"We all should've died, but we all worked together. Amazons, the Children of the Forest, all the tribes of Man fought side by side. Even the gods themselves acted as one, helped and guided them drive the Night King away, but he was too powerful to defeat. He swore our alliance would crumble. The darkness would cover the realm, and that he would return when it did."

Jon couldn't stop the goosebumps he felt as Diana narrated, the thought of everyone, despite their differences, to unite and defeat their common enemy was surreal.

He recalled what Sam had told him years ago when they first encountered a white in Castle Black, he had read it in a very old book in Maester Aemon's library. 'The White Walkers sleep beneath the ice for thousands of years.' He always wondered what they were waiting for; now he knew.

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