"We're not fighting a war, Diana." The Princess' stubbornn nature made Jon Snow purse his lips. "Not at the moment at the very least." He added after she perked a brow at him.

Diana raised her hand to gesture to the man's own clothing, the irony of his argument widening her eyes as she peered into his own. "You're wearing your armor." She retorted, the incredibility fluttering in her tone of voice.

"W-well, it's.." Jon stammered. She had him there. It always managed to fluster him when his eyes met her unwavering gaze.

"What? A fashion choice?" Mockery entangled in her tongue, slightly raising her dark eyebrows at him.

The Amazon Princess thought she was victorious in their argument after she saw Jon Snow's hesitant and debative expression that lasted for a whole minute.

A sigh emerged from his nostrils, his eyes were shut. The words he was about to mutter, difficult to say.

"The truth is... Looking like that, there's over a hundred men lying awake at night picturing you."

It wasn't an exaggeration. Jon Snow didn't let the lust-filled glances shot Diana's way pass by him that easily. Men that she knew and men that she didn't, ones she passed by in the courtyard or during gatherings, all fascinated and entranced by her beauty and the smooth skin that she revealed.

Winterfell's Bastard once held the urge to punch the young Lord Cerwyn at the indecent stares he gave Diana in a prior meeting.

"Picturing me do what?"

Snapping open his eyelids, Jon's dark brows perked when he saw her clueless expression. Was she truly that dense?

He wondered how she could be so absent-minded for a woman with such intelligence and wise counsel. On the battlement, she was like a hawk fixated on its prey, but at the moment, with the innocent look she dedicated to him, she seemed like a clueless rabbit.

A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, and the king shook his head defeatedly. "Nothing, it doesn't matter."

Diana rolled her eyes at how disappointed the male before her seemed. If it meant that much to him, why not?

"Alright, I'll change. Things seem to be stable for now."

Gratefulness shone in Jon's dark eyes, his smile was enough for Diana to smile, too. "Would that be all?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, your grace, but a raven has come from Dragonstone." Maester Wolkan arrived in that moment, holding a small scroll in his hands, the two looked up at his presence.

Jon moved from his spot, he took the scroll from the maester and unraveled it, excusing the man as he did. His fingers smoothed out the surface of the paper, and dark  irises skimmed the words quickly. Diana noticed he was reading it over a couple of times.

It was an invitation from Tyrion Lannister to come to Dragonstone and bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen.

Once Jon was done sweeping the words with his eyes, he looked up from the small parchment that he had in his hand, which he reached out to Diana, indicating that he allowed her to read it.

The raven-haired woman took it between her slender fingers, gently brushing Jon's and began to read it silently.

Waiting for her, the King in the North guided his gaze to her rosy lips, which moved softly as she silently read the written words. 'The Seven Kingdoms will bleed as long as Cersei sits on the Iron Throne. Join us, together we can end her tyranny.' His words were ominously true. She, however, thought the contrary, it wasn't some Southern Queen that would make the world suffer, it was the Night King, he was the true end of worlds, every horror inflicted in their realm was his doing.

A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder Woman x Game of Thrones Crossover) [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now