Slowly, Sansa took notice of the whispers around them, knowing full well that they concerned the woman beside her. "They can't stop talking about you, you know?"

"And what do they say about me?" Perking her perfectly shaped brows Diana inquired hurriedly, curiosity evident in her tone of voice.

Mouth half open in amusement, Sansa began to delve into the rumors that began to spread like wildfire, regarding Diana's military prowess. "Some believe you were sent by the Old gods of the Forest to help us in our time of need. The others, who've seen your shield-" She said, referencing the heavy Valriyan stone shield with the Seven pointed star carved into it. "they think that the Seven did." It was obvious that the northerners who still worshiped the Weirwood trees were the former, while the Knights of the Vale who believe in the New gods were the latter. Heck, those who witnessed her in battle believed she was some kind of goddess.

The Amazon Princess thought that in a way, the gods did in fact send her to them. She was tasked with killing the Night King, and as an Amazon, she also had to bring peace into the world.

Without giving Diana time to respond, the redhead quickly added. "They're all grateful for what you did. We all are." To fathom all the stories she'd heard of Diana's combat abilities was quite difficult, she was extremely regretful she missed it. Sansa had truly thought that the battle would've been lost when she showed up, but instead it was the Bolton forces who'd been anihalated.

"I did next to nothing." Responding monotonously was Diana. She truly believed that her efforts held no meaning if the Night King wasn't gone once and for all. This peace was not a permanent state of affairs. The real enemy doesn't tire nor feel like the rest of them, the Others were just tasked with bringing humanity to an inevitable doom. Which is why she needed to stop him.

"It's just not possible." Jon said in a calm voice, but the expression of incredibility didn't fade from his face. He had no answers as to why Diana was so incredibly powerful, far outclassing any man's strength, something that should be impossible; he had no answers as to how her equipment - an armor that seemed to be made of leather, bracelets and a shield - could withstand virtually anything. Normal humans simply couldn't do that. And he didn't know how exactly she was doing that, but Jon had a feeling that if he asked Diana all she would answer was 'I am an amazon.'

The three men stood across the room from the High Table of Winterfell, the subject of the Amazon's battle feat coming up in their conversation.

Davos Seaworth nodded in understanding, what they saw her do out there was not easy for the human mind to comprehend. "It's not like we're the only ones who saw what she did out there. The castle guards we took prisoner repeatedly said they saw her leaping over the the castle walls and busting the gate open."

Concuring with the Onion Knight, Tormund Giantsbane spoke. "Not even the giant outside took out as many people as she did. Honestly, seeing her fighting earlier," He trailed, both men looking his way expectantly to finish. "it made my nether regions engorge." Jon Snow held the urge to punch the wildling at his outrageous declaration, he scowled in utter irritation. Though no one could disagree with the brass wildling, because a woman -shouting and fighting battles- was a sight for sore eyes.

"Alright. What did she exactly tell you?" Choosing to ignore that last sentence, Ser Davos questioned Jon, his voice laced with curiosity.

"She said that it was her duty to kill the Night King, and only by killing him will all the wars end." Said Jon, pursing his lips in thought. To believe that by killing one creature, they could end every horror in this world. That by ridding the realm from the Night King they could not only end this war, but every other war. That evil itself would be destroyed and the hearts of men would know only peace. It was a beautiful belief. He was a soldier to the core, he had fought for years now. And that was why he really wanted, even for a second, to believe this could be true; because war was terrifying, dirty and all around horrible and to imagine a world without it would be a blessing.

A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder Woman x Game of Thrones Crossover) [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now