Evolution (Chapter 6)

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Alex looks at the dark, swirling form in front of him. The pitch abysses that are Anger's eyes seem to stare back.
Anger has a human-like form, but no legs. Instead, a cord of smoke connects it to his body.
"How long have you been able to do this?" He asks.
Anger snarls.
Not long. My powers are growing more. I am stronger than I have been in the past year.
"Is this from killing Fear?"
This is all me, although killing Fear has restored my powers.
"Do you have any other skills we don't know about?"
We will find out with time.
Alex cuts the connection between them. Anger fades away instantly, coming back into his head, and howls. Alex grins.
"Guess you still can't survive without me. What do we do now?"
Anger bristles, and Alex sighs.
"You want to go after immortality, don't you?"
Anger remains quiet. Alex gets to his feet.
"You know what, fine. Let's go."
Alex smiles. "Some sprit has too. Why can't it be us? But drinks first. And then we'll go."

Alex chugs down another flask. "To our quest! May the blood flow as freely as the drinks are."
Anger laughs, and overlays Alex's hands with its own shadowy talons.
The bartender scowls. "Are you going to pay for any of these?"
Alex glares.
"Where should we look for immortality? Surely you've come close before."
I will try to locate it.
Alex stands to go. "Will there be other spirits?"
I hope so.
"Hey! You have to pay for those!" The bartender starts to follow them. "Hey-"
Alex grabs the man, and flings him into a wall, before smirking. "You don't know who you're messing with. That's your payment."
Someone puts a hand to his chest. Alex turns to face them.
It's a man - short but stout, and powerfully built, with very short, dark hair.
"Excuse me?" Alex snorts. He can feel Anger coiling, preparing for another burst. He wants to laugh. This would be almost too easy.
Alex's laugh dies in his throat.
"We know who you are."
Alex pauses. Another spirit? How is this possible? This one feels different.
The stranger continues. "We come to you with a choice; offer up Anger freely, or we will force it from you."
Anger stays quiet.
Alex hesitates. "Who are you?"
"Your answer, please."
"Not until you tell me who you are."
This man is dangerous. I can feel it.
"Look, I don't want to cause a scene," the stranger holds out a hand. "We can resolve this peacefully. I'm only here for Anger. Take my hand, and I can release you from its influence without pain or violence."
Alex slowly reaches out to take his hand.
What are you doing?
Ignoring Anger, it's holder grasps the other spirit's hand. A second passes.
"Did you really think," Alex asks, "it would be so easy?"
He forms curving spikes over his wrists, that puncture the enemy spirit's arm, spilling light instead of blood. His opponent roars, and drives the palm of his free hand into Alex's chest, blasting him backwards.
"Fine. Violence it is," he mutters.
Alex crashes into the counter, dropping to the ground. He wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve, while the other patrons sit back, amused by the show. Black and red markings start to rip from around his eyes.
With a howl, Alex pushes off the desk, slamming his shoulder into the other spirit's abdomen, sending them both flying. He comes up on top, forms ebony sabres over his fingers, and slashes.
His target snatches his wrist, holding the black blades away from his throat. Alex grunts, pulls power to his muscles, and forces the points ever closer to his foes neck.
With a yell, the other spirit pulls light into his palm, and slams it into Alex's side. He flies sideways, into a table, shattering the glasses left on top of it and splintering the wood. The drinkers stop for a moment, as they start to realise the danger. Then Alex grabs one man by the shirt, and with a grunt, he hurls him at the glowing spirit.
The man screams, until the spirit catches him, and sets him down with little grace or mindfulness. He looks back up, only for Anger to grab him by the neck and thrust him into the wall. The glass protecting photos on the wall shatters, and Alex grabs a shard, going for a fatal wound. The glass fragment disintegrates on a shield of light. Barely pausing, Anger slashes again, but his foe ducks the blow and punches into Alex's throat. He staggers back.
"You'll pay for that," Anger growls, as the bar clears out.
The other spirit cracks it's neck.
"We're only doing what you forced us too."
A woman comes flying in from behind him, tackling Alex to the ground. He roars, and throws her off, into her companion, who passed her gently off to the side and lunges. They trade blows again, Alex landing a clean blow to the stomach, before taking a hit square to the jaw. His vision flashes, and then, Anger slashes with pure fury. It cuts through his defences, and rips into the spirit's torso in a savage blow that leaves him staggering. The woman moves in and kicks twice - the first one connects, but Alex grabs their leg before the second one make impact, and severs the limb at the joint, before tossing the opponent away. When the man advances on him, Alex grabs a chair and shatters it over the spirit's head. He drops, but somehow stands again. The fatal wound to his gut had healed, and even as he watches, the woman regenerates her leg.
"Who are you people?" Anger exclaims.
The man stands unnervingly quickly. He punches Anger in the nose, and follows up with a jab to the chin. Alex stumbles back from the blow, crashing into the counter.
"Grace!" The male spirit shouts.
Another opponent darts in. Alex lunges at them, trying to grab them, but they move like a mist, dodging under his snatching talons and wrapping themselves into his back. She starts to chant.
They're... exorcising me! Anger shouts.
Alex thrashes, but the woman holds firm. He tumbles to one knee, his connection to Anger weakening.
"Do the thing!"
What thing?
"The new thing!" Alex exclaims.
That thing!
Anger screeches, and rips its way from Alex's back, plunging into the woman's chest. She gasps and falls off him.
Alex staggers back to his feet.

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