"I might take you up on that," Buffy says.

Looking around at my circle of friends with me, I realize one is missing.

"Where's Jonah?" I ask to whoever knows.

"I saw him with Walker at the dessert table not long ago," Amber replies.

I take a step to the right to get a clear view of where Jonah and Walker still are, laughing and chatting together by the table of treats.

"I think I'm gonna head over there, too," Amber continues. "I haven't had any dessert yet. You guys want anything?"

Both TJ and I shake our heads, but Andi nods, replying, "I'll come with you."

As they leave, that's when Marty returns from his phone conversation.

"Is everything okay with Sabrina?" Buffy asks.

Marty nods. "Yeah. Abby just couldn't get her to stop crying, so I talked her through it."

Abby, Marty's sister, is fifteen and awfully inexperienced when it comes to taking care of kids. Marty's told me how she refused to babysit when she became old enough to, even when asked by the neighbours. She's only now babysitting because it's her niece, and she figured she could use the extra cash, but that definitely doesn't mean she's confident in her childcare skills.

All of a sudden, the song playing comes to an end, and the next one starts up. It's a slow song, one I recognize right away, and it was also our second choice for a first dance song: "All I Want Is You" by U2. It didn't take the top spot, but, for bringing back memories of dancing in the middle of the moonlit park after our high school graduation ceremony, it holds a special place in my heart.

Naturally, anyone who has a partner pairs off, while the single people and kids either leave the dance floor or find friends to sway to the beat with. TJ turns to me and holds out his hand, which I take simply on impulse, knowing that my hand is significantly better when it is interlinked with his. He then pulls me in, and my arms find their place on his shoulders, and his on my waist. TJ's eyes are on me, giving me butterflies the way they did when TJ first held my hand at Andi's party so long ago.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see all four of my parents watching me with my husband, smiles on their faces. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have parents like them, and having them here at my wedding is a blessing that not everyone is so lucky to have.

"TJ," I say as we rock slowly from side to side, "are you sad that your parents aren't here?"

He considers this for a moment before responding, "No. My parents haven't cared about me since Amber and I left when I was 17. I don't need people like that in my life."

"I care about you," I tell him as though those words have any ability to heal the hurt I know is burnt into him permanently.

"I know," he says. "That's why I married you."

He smiles and locks me in tighter against him. Then he brings his lips down to mine and kisses me softly, sending chills throughout my body. It's more intimate than kissing him in front of an audience after saying our vows. Even though I know people are still watching us now, it feels less like a show for the crowd and more like a game for just the two of us and nobody else.

When our lips part, I recall something that I thought about a lot leading up to today, but it hadn't crossed my mind during the wedding until this moment.

"Now I get to get my name changed on all my IDs," I say.

"I almost forgot about that," TJ responds. "You're not Cyrus Goodman anymore."

"Nope," I say. "It's Cyrus Kippen now."

TJ smiles so wide that his gums are showing. Neither of us seem to be very good at holding back the joy we're feeling, for I, too, am grinning uncontrollably.

"I think that name suits you perfectly," TJ tells me.

"So do I," I agree.

A/N: Hello! I just wanted to give y'all a sneak peak of my next book. I won't continue writing it until I'm finished with Last Names, though, so yeah. This is just to hype you guys up. I love y'all! Have a good day! I hope y'all stay safe climate striking tomorrow and have fun!

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