Chapter Two

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For a moment when I begin to swim back to consciousness, everything seems like it's just a nightmare. Then the memories of yesterday flood my mind and panic sets in. Ignoring the pain I try to sit up only to be roughly pushed back onto the hard mattress. "You shouldn't sit up yet, two of your ribs have been broken. I took care of your fever last night after I was thrown down here by some big idiot," a soft voice state's gently before taking their hands off of my shoulders. She looks like an angel with her blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Grace Black.

They actually managed to capture her, who would have thought? Maybe it's because she's so soft. Too soft and weak to be of any alpha line don't you think? Zera points out nastily making her opinion known. I look over at Grace who was looking at me. She was soft, you could tell by looking at her. Her dark ocean colored eyes shine with innocence and fear unlike my own eyes that were dull and full of what I've seen and experienced. Her hair is thick and shining with health while my own hair is long and dull with split ends everywhere. I look more dead than alive. I look weak and helpless compared to her small frame. She doesn't look like she comes from an alpha's line but she looks healthy unlike my own bloody and scared body.

I can't believe they actually managed to capture her...Zera she could be our salvation...She could be our escape...we could be free like we've always wanted. I could be free Zera! I could find my mate and be happy! I shout to Zera. All I have to do is tell her that some of the people here are good. I need to tell her so that they can be safe too.

Why should we help them Arabella? When the fuck have they done anything for us besides listen to us being tortured? WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO HELP? THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING THEY ARE WEAK AND DESERVE TO DIE LIKE THE REST OF THE FILTHY ROUGES, Zera shouts at me causing me to flinch.

So what about those children? What about those women and men who have been beaten since the moment they got here, just like us? What will happen to them? How could we live with that on our conscious Zera? They may not have helped us but they're getting hurt too.

You're right Arabella, I'm's just that we missed so much and they all knew what was going on and none of them did anything to help us.

I can feel the guilt from Zera as if it were my own. I send her calming feelings the best I can and shut down the link. I turn back to grace to find her looking at me with her eyebrows raised. "It looks like you were having a hefty conversation with your wolf there," she states, her expression completely blank. A trait no doubt that she got from being the King Alpha's sister. "Listen Princess, I'm more than sure your brother is going to come after you and I have no doubt they will destroy the rogues here but you need to know that not everyone here is bad. There are mates and children who are forced to stay as well as people who are sold to them. You need to tell your brother that.The rogues aren't smart, I'm actually not even sure how they managed to capture you in the first place, so I'm sure it will be easy to take over with minimal damage." Grace looks away, thinking for a moment before turning back to me.

"I'll pass on the message. And they didn't capture me because they're good or strong, they were able to capture me because they had a witch bind my strength after I ran away to do something stupid. They followed me and found me before my guards did and took me. Now here we are in this shit hole. How did you end up here?" I lean back against my scratchy pillow. I was brought here by the leader when I was a pup, my parents pack died and I was taken in my my father's step brother. Was free to an extent but I screwed it up by trying to sneak outside." Grace looks at me with sympathy in her eyes, pity. I turn my head away and close my eyes. "You should sleep.Your brother may be here in a couple of days but they're early risers and if you want to keep your face pretty you're going to need your strength Princess." I hear her lay down in her own worn out mattress. "Wait, I don't even know your name..."

The King's MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora