Chapter 18//

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Chapter 18//

Tony's Point of View

"How'd the meeting go? " Pepper asked me.

"I'm not sure. " I replied. She looked at me confused.

"I uh. I learned things I didn't want to learn, and we got further in our little mystery. " I said. I was a little disappointed. It was an off day. Pepper was already in her, reading a book while I got ready.

"What happened? " She asked, I sighed, shutting off the bathroom light, standing in the door way.

"Westcott's story completely different from the entire class, Wade's suspended, possibly expelled until further notice, Lee couldn't do shit without Peter's side. Clint touched my shit- stop laughing I know it's not important. Peter had a panic attack, I had a panic attack. We could get sued for 'False accusations'- but I mean, who'd sue me? Peter told me what happened, and that murderous feeling? Yeah might be coming back. " I didn't realize how much I ranted and how vastly I did.


What?" Pepper asked concerned.

"A lot of bad, some goods." I said sitting on the bed, getting under the blankets. I sighed. "It was Westcott's fault, and because of 'Flase' accusations, and because Wade assulated the man, he can press charges, because we have yet to have Peter's side in the whole ordeal, and molesation accusations charges, which means currently Wade is suspended, possibly expelled, because of this, and Flash is in school suspension, for basically nothing, and could also get expelled, and so can Peter. " I tried to explain.

"Westcott can get out scott free if Peter doesn't speak against him, and all student reports could be completely ignored. " Pepper's eyes widen, she looked shocked.

"Do you know what happened? " She asked me. I sighed again. Yes I did. Did I like that? Eh. Was I happy about it? Hell no.

"Yeah." Pepper looked at me. "Loki and Wade's theories weren't, they weren't wrong. " Pepper closed her book and looked down.

"You know we'll have to-"

"I know-" I cut her off on what she says, he'll have to speak in court, but a thud from outside the door cut me off. I got up and ran to the door,  I swung it open  and there in front of me was Peter Benjiman Parker Stark trying to run after gracefully tripping on his own two feet and carpet. "Buddy, you okay?! " I asked,  I wasn't mad that he was eavesdropping. It's hard for him not to. He probably cake to lay with us.

I helped him up, and he got on his two feet. He was wearing his 'I survived my trip to New York' shirt, and Hello Kitty pink Pajama pants- wait where did those come from again?

We walked into the room and Peter had ran jumped onto the bed, bouncing Peter. I couldn't help but smile as the kid as I closed the door behind me. I sat beside him, as he laid between Pepper and I.

"Hi baby, " Pepper smiled hugging him. He hugged back.

"Why are you up so late bud? " I asked. It was almost 1am, and Peter was asleep only 30 minutes ago when we put him in his room.

"I don't know. I woke up. " He said,  instantly sounding tired again. He cuddled up next to Pepper, and she smiled and hugged him. I got close next to the two, and Peter turned and hugged me.

It was nice. The three of us. It didn't take long for us to fall back asleep. Peter curled into the two of us. It was nice. I can't believe I once thought 'Hey, I don't want a family. '

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