Chapter 17//

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Chapter 17//

3rd Point of View

Peter was in his room, still tired, when his dad got home.

Clint had tried to get him to eat, but Peter wasn't hungry. He wanted to go back to bed. He was tired. Some how.

He heard a knock at the door. "Come in. " He said, he say up, looking at the door.

Tony, his father walked in, and closed the door behind him, and made his way to Peter. He sat on the bed, and Peter instantly dug into his side, hugging him. Tony smiled, he loved his kid so much, and couldn't imagine how he'd be without him. He wouldn't know what he'd do, if, he just went up to dust.

Tony hugged him back. This wasn't a sad hug, this was a 'I love you hug.'. He rubbed his side,

"Hey underoos." He said softly. 'This is my kid. ' he told himself. Tony never really saw himself as a father, never thought it'd happen. But it did. And now he couldn't imagine not being one. It was the happiest thing in the world. Seeing the eyes of someone who looks up to you more more than just someone in a suit. He was this kids hero. Not just ironman. Not just an Avengers. Sure the kid loved that about his father. But he was more to the kid. More than words could explain.

"Hey dad. " Peter said grogley, Peter released the hug, and laid his head on Tony's lap. Tony ran his fingers through Peter's hair.

"How you doing, kid? " Tony asked, still running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm tired. " Peter said, Tony give a small 'hm' in response. "Where's mom? " Peter asked.

"She's doing some legal work down town. She'll be back sometime after 2:30." Peter nodded, and adjusted himself a bit, still wrapped in his 'Avengers' comforter and fuzzy blanket. Tony laid his back down, Peter's head still in his lap, and Tony still, running his fingers through his hair.

Peter got up, and made his way next to Tony's side. He curled up into Tony's side, and Tony put his arm around the small kid. Again, running his fingers through his hair.

"Your mom must have been short, I have no idea where you get your hight from. " Tony mumbled, Peter, wrapped in a blanket burrito.

"I don't remember much, but I think she was taller than you, even with your heels. " Tony scoffed, and gasped.

"According to my records, Mrs. Parker was 5'10." Friday said in a more sassy tone. "He got his height from you sir. " Tony glared at the ceiling. Peter smiled.

"Okay you bitch, who programmed you so sassy? " He asked in an offended tone.

"Sadly, you. " She replied, with, humor behind her tone.

"No wonder Clint wants me to disconnect you. " He said pissed off, muttering. Peter laughed, and Tony smiled. "So, " Tony started in a more serious tone, Peter's smile dropped, knowing he was gonna ask questions, Tony noticed, and sighed. "do you want to tell me what happened? " He asked. Peter shook his head no. "Come one kid. You know it makes you feel better. I know you don't like me pressuring you,  but this is serious kid, you passed out. I need to know, okay?"

Tony poked his side, and the kid flinched, he usually does, but not like that. He was tense. Still tense. Tony looked at him concerned, Peter didn't notice. "You okay Peter? " He asked, still sounding concerned. Peter shook his head 'Yes', and Tony put his arm down, still eyeing the kid, making sure he was careful. "Alright kid, now tell me. " Tony said, rubbing Peter's back, who again, tensed. Tony stopped.

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