14 Years Old

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I dyed my hair black. The war is over.

"Nico? Can I talk to you?" I asked a tear surfacing ready to come out.

"Yeah, sure." He ran towards me.

"Look, I know you like Percy. But I like you, like really,really like you-" I was interupted by a kiss on the lips. I was shocked then I kissed back pastionatly. He broke apart his face bright red.

"(Y/N), will you do me the pleasures of being my girlfriend?" He asked. I was so speechless so I just violently nodded and was going to hug him but stopped.


"You told me to never touch you." He smiled.

"It was from trying not to get anymore attached, my love." He said. When he said my love shivers ran through my back, I rested my head on his chest. Hoping this was real life.

A PJO Fanfiction{Nico di Angelo love story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora