UK Home Save LTD || How to Save Energy At Home

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Consider these easy energy-saving adjustments you can make.


According to the Energy Star program, heating and air conditioning account for 46% of the average household's annual utility bill. Here are some tips how you can manage heating and cooling of your house.

Protect your windows screens during the summer. IT will prevent stray sun rays from sneaking in and heating up your home. During the winter, they will keep the heat in.

Choose ceiling fans instead of AC. Fan uses about the same amount of energy as a standard light bulb.

Cover tile floors with rugs to keep your floors warm during the winter.

Get your HVAC unit inspected with help from UK Home Save LTD .


Ensure that your home lighting is not using more electricity than you need.

Switch to CFL bulbs, CFL bulbs are extremely efficient. Replacing a halogen bulb with a CFL can save you energy and money on energy bill.

Try lamp timers to ensure your lights are turned off at night when you forgotten to turn it off or when you're not home.

Decorate with light-colored lampshades to brighten your room with fewer bulbs.Appliances

Washers, dryers, ovens and refrigerators make our lives easier, but if you are not careful, these machines come at a major cost to the environment. Even if you are having Energy Star certified appliances, try these tricks to cut corners on energy consumption.

Use the small burner for small pans. It seems simple, but this can prevent extra heat from escaping your stove.

Wash clothes with cold water to save on water heating bill.

  Keep the freezer full so it remain cooler for long period of time. 

Do not open the oven until your food has finished cooking. If you allow heat to escape, your oven has to use extra energy to heat up back.Electronics

Today we spend a lot of time plugged in electricity whether for work or play, but making some small changes can really save a lot of energy.

Unplug electronics, chargers and extension boards, when not in use.

Use a power strip for electronics like TVs and computers. When you switch the strip off, you will prevent outlets from taking "loads" of electricity from your devices in standby mode

.Power up a laptop instead of a desktop computer. They're leaner and cleaner for the environment.

Conclusion:- UK Home Save LTD also offer some energy saving products of latest technology and full house energy audit. For more information visit UK Home Save LTD .

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