A New Friend?

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The rest of the lecture went just about as well as Doyum expected it to go. He still wasn't sure with how to interact with Jinsung, but he also didn't seem like he meant any harm. Which was already a plus in the silverette's mind. That being said, it was definitely a good thing that it was still basically syllabus and class expectations for the first day of class, otherwise Doyum would have missed a solid chunk of the material.

Jinsung didn't fidget like Doyum inevitably saw himself doing at their close proximity, but the pink-haired student still moved around enough that it made the Doyum hyperaware of his presence.

Did he get closer or am I imagining things? Yup yup yup he's definitely closer, Doyum internalized.

Sharing a larger desk made it just that tiny bit easier for the two boys to brush elbows and knees when they got a little too close. Which normally wouldn't be worth noting but, then again, Jinsung is easily the best looking seatmate Doyum's had.

Contrary to his reactions to the taller male, Doyum doesn't normally find himself getting this affected by the people around him. But this is also the first time someone's complimented him directly that wasn't just his friends or family; and the times he has been hit on, Taek and Seo hyung are usually there (standing guard, but still counts).

Doyum was finally able to calm down as the lecture continued, taking note of important test dates and weekly homework assignments. He remembered Junseo hyung saying that his second year wasn't too horrible, but he emphasized to Doyum that time management and teamwork was vital to a lot of their projects. Doyum took these words to heart as he wanted to maintain his grades, his parents' only caveat to him joining the dance team this year.

"Now that you guys have a better idea as to what we'll be studying this semester, I want to go over the larger project you guys will be working on outside of class," their teacher began.

"This project won't be due until towards the end of the semester, but I would like you to convene with your partners early on to figure out a plan before scheduling a meeting with me. You and your partner will be assigned one of the topics we'll cover in class and must create a lesson plan to teach it to your peers," she described.

A student near the front row raised their hand, "Will we be assigned partners?"

The teacher looked around the room before she answered, "It looks like everyone is already paired off with how you're seated. If you have a problem with this arrangement, either see me after class or send me an email. Otherwise the person next to you will be your partner."

"I'm done a little bit earlier than usual, but I'll give you guys this time to get to know your partners and exchange information. Tomorrow I'll be starting our first lesson, it'll mostly be a review from your last math class, but I expect you guys to come prepared," she said with a smile before dismissing the class.

Doyum watched their teacher pack away her things, debating on whether or not he should go up to her and introduce himself. He's heard from other upperclassmen that Mrs. Kim was a bit tougher in grading, Math isn't really my strong suit... Maybe I should talk to her early on....

Doyum quickly packed his things away before standing to approach his teacher. However, he didn't get too far from the desk before he felt a hand on his arm.

"Hey, are you good?" Jinsung asked.

A little bit confused at the sudden concern, Doyum tilted his head to the side before responding, "Yeah? What's up?"

It was Jinsung's turn to be confused at this, "You looked like you were in a hurry to leave right after she said to talk to your partner."

Doyum just continued to stare at him, still not fully understanding where this was headed.

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