Their Destruction

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The screams could be heard all down the street. The neighbors ignoring them as it was a regular occurrence. In the one story brick house a girl and a boy were screaming furiously at each other. The girl mad because he ditched out on their date night to go to a bar with his friends, and the boy mad because the girl only ever complained. Although they both knew how it would end. With them both forgiving each other and moving on until the next fight that would happen only days later.
The couple only ever fought with each other. Nothing else. What used to be a wonderful and beautiful relationship turned to nothing but a pile of trash. All because of that one day. But they needed each other and they both knew that. So they stayed together but only ever fight now. If only they realised they were the destruction of each other. Bound the fall apart till there was nothing left. Not a single trace. And to think it all started because of one stupid mistake. A mistake that ruined them. If only they knew that their children blamed themselves. Them maybe they wouldn't have the plan a funeral for their oldest children. Their twins who decided that they were better off without them. And because of that three kids lost their role models. The people they could go to and trust with their problems. But from then on, it only got worse.

The three remaining kids were full of grief. The fifteen year old started skipping classes and meals. The fourteen year old started going out with a different guy every night. And the ten year old well, she started her plan to run away. Without the twins the house was empty and quiet. There wasn't any laughter from the ten year old who used to love playing with his older siblings. The fourteen year old stopped volunteering places and bringing home abandoned animals. The fifteen year old stopped drawing and painting happy pictures and started drawing and painting depressing pictures. And the parents arguing only got worse and there was no one to distract them from it because they were gone.

One day it all stopped. It was silent. And only days later would the neighbors go and check on them to find the couple dead, they comitted suicide. The kids well they were dead to. And later that week the news paper headline read "Family Commits Suicide Together" and that was it. It was their end. Their destruction.

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