Arriving: 2

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I walked in the door to Avenger Tower, a box in my hands. Everything was so huge. I felt like an ant in comparison. "I think your looking for the private elevator, and don't worry, you won't need a pass, Miss L/N" A voice startled me from above so much I dropped the box. 

Hesitantly I picked it up, looked around, and said, "Who said that and how do you know me?"

"That was me, Friday. I'm Mr Stark's AI. I have access to all public records, SHIELD databases, security cameras, the Internet, and more. Of course I would know his own daughter," the AI replied.

"Okay... which way was that elevator again?"

"On your left"

"Okay thanks!" I left hearing a soft robotic mumbling of something about how no one ever says thanks. I found my way to the elevator and it went up without me having to touch anything. The elevator doors opened, and I saw him in the penthouse. He looked at me and... started crying? That was NOT the response I was expecting. Maybe an annoyed grunt and one of his minions showed me to my room. Instead, he stopped everything and ran to me enveloping me in a hug. I stayed rigid, not knowing what to do.  He stepped back admiring me.

"I've missed you so much," he said.

"Wait, wait, wait. I thought you left me as a child for a single mother to take care of. Your not allowed to miss me. I don't even know you," I replied, annoyed and confused.

"But, I only left you for your own safety. Surely, you mother told you that? It was the hardest thing I've had to do in my goddamn life. I loved you so much, Y/N, but a lot of people are after me. I'm not really the most well liked person, so I knew it was for the best," he said, tears still in his eyes. And slowly, my far off image of him morphed into something more. 

"Okay," I hesitantly said. I didn't know where to start with this man. I had so many questions. I decided on the most obvious one. "So where's my room,"

"Oh yeah!" he jumped up, "I actually cleared out a floor for you with a lab and everything. I figured rooming next to vision wouldn't be the most fun." He scratched his neck. I was in awe. An entire floor with a lab? I've always loved to tinker with technology, and who wouldn't want to stand in a room surrounded by holograms while Back in Black was blasting from the speakers? I guess that was the Tony part of me.

We walked slowly, and he explained, "You'll be going to Midtown School of Science and Technology. I know someone there, and the school's got a good rep. For now, your welcome to any place in the tower, and you don't need a badge, but the penthouse is upstairs which is where most of us like to hang out between missions. My lab is just downstairs. If you need me anytime, I'll most likely be there. And Friday is mandatory movie night."

"Okay thanks." He seemed awful nervous, and like he really hoped I liked it. It was kinda sweet. He didn't seem like  man that had caused thousands of casualties. I said bye,and made my way into my room. It was all blank with a large window on one side with the most stunning view. 

"It's kinda boring," I thought aloud.

"I can change that," a new voice spoke from above.

"Okay now who are you?" I tiredly asked.

"I am your AI, Y/N. I tailor to all you needs."

"Do you have a name? Like Friday?"

"I can be whatever you want be to Y/N."

"How about Swift?" 

(Author Here) It can be something else if you want it to just comment here and I'll edit it.

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