~Chapter 20~

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A/N:before this starts I'm sorry if you don't see Alain Vs Ash battle, but the chapter will have a big battle with Alia and her Pokémon.

"Hey Alain, you ready for your battle with ash?" I Asked "Yup, I can't wait. I'm sorry you have to miss it" Alain Said "it's fine...I'll try to get it done fast and watch your match, for now let's have something to eat" I Said as I placed down some food

"Cmon our everyone!" I Said as everyone was released "eat up everyone, we need our strength" I Said as they all started eating 'what am I going to do...'

"Hey Alain I'm going to walk around k, I won't be long" I Said as I returned everyone but Luxray and Umbreon and headed to the market.

"Hey ash, what's wrong?" I Asked "Chespin and Pancham are gone, have you seen them?" Serena asked "no I haven't, but I can help look for them" I Said "thanks, we need all the help we can get" Ash Said

"Alright then, Florges and Salamance cmon out and help!" I Said as the came out "you two help Use find Chespin and Pancham" I Said as they both flew off (Florges on Salamances back)

I ran to the market looking for Chespin "Salamance you find him?" I Asked as it nodded it's head "great fly us there" I Said as I jumped on its back and headed to the others seeing a familiar face


"Marin?!" I shouted "Alia!" Marin Said as she ran and hugged me "I've missed you, wait where's Chespie?" I Asked, I then saw Marin crying "hey we'll see you later k Alia" Serena said as I nodded

"What happened?" I Asked, so explained what's been happening "Alain never...you head to the Pokémon centre with my friends k, I'm going to talk to someone" I Said as I headed back to Alain

"Alain...hey where'd he go?" I Asked as I looked around 'why didn't he tell me about Chespie...what's been going on..'

"Hey Alia!" A voice called "Lio, hey what's up?" I Asked "I wanted to know if I can have a battle with your Umbreon" Lio Asked

"Not right now...I have to do something soon. But after, we can battle after." I Said a so headed to the Pokémon centre


"We'll take care of your Pokémon" Nurse Joy Said as I sat down 'what an I going to do...if I don't find out what's been going on then...'

"Excuse me, but are you Miss Stone?" A voice asked "why yes, how may I help you?" I Asked "once your done healing your Pokémon, our boss would like to talk to you" the person said

"Uh sure, where is he?" I Asked "the Lumiose gym" I was questioning why there but I didn't bother.

I headed to the gym and saw many trucks "hello? Anyone here?" I asked "you must be Alia Stone, pleas come in" 'a Flare grunt...play play it cool'

"Boss, Miss Stone is here" the grunt Said "perfect, it's nice to meet you. Sorry about you coming out here so late" the professor guy said "it's not a problem, what do you need?" I Asked

He then showed something that made me angry "that's...a little form of..what's going on, why do you have it?!" I Asked as Luxray growled

"We need your help getting a certain Greninja" The guy said "no, I'll never betray Ash or his friends!" I shouted "I'll give you time to choose my dear, you may go" the professor said as I left.

'I'll never betray them...I'll defeat you before you can unleash its power, I'll protect Kalos from the likes of you!!'

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