Chapter 14: Meeting an enemy from the past

Start from the beginning

I enter the house and close the door behind me, I follow the old man into the kitchen and he sits down.
Achilles: have a seat Kenway, so why is it you're here?
I comply relived for some rest, I won't pretend the trip here didn't tire me out.
Haytham: I wanted to...
I pinch the bridge of my nose, since I met Connor there was much I wanted to say to Achilles. How good job he did raising my boy, what a good fighter he is. Even questions about who Connor is, I've been dying to talk to him about these subjects but that's not why I came here today.
Achilles: spit it out, don't be shy all of a sudden.
Haytham: why am I here?
I asked
Achilles: I don't think I understand.
Haytham: I mean on the homestead, why am I here?
Achilles: Connor brought you here, the doctor here was served us well.
Haytham: I know that, but why? Why spare me?
I asked again

Achilles: because he is a fool, and the end of the day still has much growing up to do. He let his emotional attachment cloud, his judgment.
Haytham: except he hates me.
Achilles just laughed at this.
Haytham: I'm sorry I fail to see the humour.
Slightly annoyed at him.
Achilles: he doesn't hate you, you fool. You've hurt him numerous times and he is bitter there's no denying that. He wants to convince me, you himself and everyone else that he hates you. But if you honestly believe he does, you aren't as smart as I though you were Haytham.
I was baffled at this
Haytham: you really think he doesn't hate me?
Achilles: he should he has every right to, the way you treat him. But he cares so much about you, you didn't see him here when you two formally met. Or any time throughout the course of your truce, but he was so happy to even get the chance to know you. He struggled so much with the fear, of having to kill you.
Haytham: you're not serious, are you?
I asked still in shock
Achilles: I am the boy looks up to you, all I have to say is you'd better treat him right. He deserves to be loved Haytham, by his own father.
Haytham: you love him.
Achilles: yes, but in case you couldn't tell my days are numbered. When I die... I don't know if he has anyone else. I don't like you Haytham, I never have.. but I'm asking you to be good father to him... don't hurt him anymore.
These words, really did make me emotional.
Haytham: I don't want to hurt him Achilles, but how can I choose between him and the Templar order? I've been loyal to it my whole life, I can't abandon it because of him.
Achilles: that is not my place to tell you, how to live your life. But if you choose the Templar's over your son, then don't be surprised if he truly does come to hate you.
I sigh heavily
Haytham: I wish there was an easy choice.
Achilles: it seems there never is in life.

As he finishes that comment, the front of the door opens and closes. Achilles sighs and leans back in his chair, Connor enters the kitchen frowning. I try and ignore the fact he's wearing a scarf around his neck, and this is the only time that I ever have seen him wear one. He's covering the bruises though, surely by now they're nearly healed.
Connor: alright first of all you both should be in bed resting, secondly what is going on in here? You two hate each other.
Connor says as he walks to us.
Achilles: oh you worry too much.
He says
Connor: well I have a reason to worry.
Achilles: your father and I, were just having a friendly chat. Right Haytham?
He looked at me
Haytham: yes nothing of concern son.
I say

Connor: well that's just lovely, but perhaps you should both be a bit more focused on getting better before you have a friendly chat, hm?
Such sass from my own son
Achilles: fine I'm going to bed now.
He says as Connor helps him, as they both leave the kitchen and I hear them talk briefly before Connor returns.
Connor: come on father, let's get you back to Doctor White House.
Haytham: fine fine.
I say as I get up and walk to the front door. While Connor doesn't touch me, I feel him hovering right behind me in case I need help. Which turns out I do, the moment I step outside I got really dizzy. I stumble and nearly fall down the stairs, but Connor soon catches me in time.
Connor: easy father, take it easy. Are you well? Can you walk?
He says as I lean on him for just a moment, holding my head.
Haytham: I'm fine Connor.
I insist before continuing, but Connor keeps ahold of my arm the rest of the way.

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