King George's dead

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Prince Albert still shocked on what had happened sat down near the fire. He couldn't stop thinking he was getting crazy till Arisa spoke some sense into him. "My prince may I say, rather than you sitting here you can go talk to your father" and the prince found some sense in that and went to the king's room. As soon as he got in he shouted, his dad was on the floor coughing blood. He helped his dad get on the bed and sent for their doctor.

"Dad do you know any village by name Namilus" the prince asked him. He coughed and said "Namilus long went out of existence my son" the king said. "I knew I was seeing things" the prince said, and the king asked him why and he expects things to the king. The king kept quiet and requested for his most trusted advisor Rahul.

"Yes your majesty" Rahul said getting into the room, "Rahul do you remember the incidence at Namilus 17 years ago" the king asked. "My king you forbade me of ever talking about this" Rahul said frightened. "Well it's as though we killed a wizards child and he's come for revenge" the king said, "But we killed all the children just as the witch requested, my lord" Rahul said. "Well Rahul we need to see the socerer again" the king said.

Coughing seriously when the doctor arrived, he requested to see his son. When the prince came the king asked for them to be left alone. The king said to his son "My son in so sorry I didn't tell you" and the prince said sadly"Tell me what father?". And the king went on to explain "When you where a child you where seriously sick almost dieing and we met a socerer to heal you. She asked for a the live of other children. I was so desperate that I descided to attack Namilus the smallest village at that time" the king said angrily "And you took away a young man's child".

Coughing the king said "Sorry my son, but Rahul he'll take you to the socerer. Find a solution and save your sister". The king started shocking and suddenly he stopped. "Father, father, fatherrrrrrrr" the prince shouted as his father stopped breathing.

The prince cried endlessly for his father's death and a funeral was organized immidiately where the whole city where present.

Pope saying "It is of so much pain to loose our dearest King, King George the 3. He will be greatly missed" and a lamp to the sky. And the people where all sad.

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