The Blackout

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After Albert and his sister finished ridding their horses they came home very tired. Ella asked for her food to be brought upstairs while Albert sat in the living room admiring his latest painting.

He was about to go to his room when a strong wind blew and light went out. He shouted for a candle and Arisa came bringing it. When he saw her he held her hands and said "What where you doing in my dreams beautiful?". Arisa got scared and walked backwards but he held her strongly till she couldn't move her arms. "I might just like you Arisa" the prince said, but Arisa replied him saying "I'm but just a maid your highness". But the prince kept on getting close, till they could feel their breath's. Arisa was so afraid praying for a miracle when Ella shouted and the prince ran upstairs immidiately.

She followed with some guards too and when they got there Ella was gone. She had been kidnapped. The prince asked for all the guards to go on search immidiately.

The prince using a candle went to his father's room, as his father heard this he got up immidiately an got dressed to look for his princess. The king and prince set out together in the dark in search of the princess.

The princess had been kidnapped by a powerful wizard who had already disappeared with the princess to a far away mountain. The wizards name was Dormanu and he onced lived in Palgrass 18years ago. He stayed there with his daughter Ariss who was just five. One afternoon they went to the market and the kingsmen came arresting and shouting people. His daughter was taking and later it was reported everyone taken had been killed. Dormanu was heartbroken and revenge and anger took over him.

Dormanu had planned to keep Ella and destroy Palgrass and everyone in it.

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