A New Gang

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Now that you'd spent the first two days finding all your classes and attending you were expected to just be any other student now and a part of you was thrilled. Today were your classes with Ned and you assumed you would sit with him and MJ again at lunch if they invited you.

"Thank you Happy," you breathed waving at him as he drove away from the Swan Apartment leaving you out front. In an attempt to sleep in more you'd worked out an agreement with your Dad that Happy would just drop you off every day except when he was driving him around to the Apartment with enough time for you to just walk to school.

Skipping down the street you glanced around the tall rooftops remembering how just last night you'd looked down at them with the one and only Spider-Man. It was such a weird experience and you definitely refrained from telling anyone when you got home.

Shortly after the famous web-slinger left Happy had come to pick you up and you'd headed straight to your room. Nova had pulled up decent records on Spider-Man but you spent hardly any time looking at them. You could tell from the outline that Nova hadn't discovered anything huge such as his identity, not that you were sure you even wanted to know that bad.

Even just entering the school felt like a weight being taken off of your shoulders, you really were just a normal girl within these walls. I mean normal people didn't have personally built AI's in their vision or a personal driver or even a duel life but close enough, right?

Heading towards your locker you saw your very own locker buddy at his own. Grinning, you darted forward pushing yourself towards the side of his locker with an excited smile. "Peter," you whispered, "Guess what?'

His head snapped up and he dropped the textbooks he was holding causing them to clatter to the floor. "(Y/N)? Are you okay? What is it?" He asked bending down to pick up his book.

You let your back collide against the lockers smiling at him, "I actually met Spider-Man yesterday when I uh get home and it was so cool!"

Peter tilted his head looking you up and down, "Oh really?"

"I thought you would be more surprised?" You asked pushing off to stand closer to him with a lowered voice, "I mean we were just talking about him yesterday and then I kinda hung out with him."

He nodded closing his locker, "Oh I mean I am (Y/N). Of course, I'm surprised that's amazing just maybe shocked silent?"

You frowned crossing your arms, "Really Peter, I'm not buying that. What's wrong?"

His eyes flashed so quickly anyone else could have sworn it was a trick of the light but Nova seemed to even catch it flashing a small green light in the corner of your eyes. "It doesn't matter (Y/N)," he smiled at you changing the subject, "Actually I did hear about Flash's party on Friday. Sounds like basically everyone is invited."

Letting the conversation slide you stepped towards your own locker, "Is this your way to let me know I'm not special?"

His eyes widened and he slammed his locker shut, "Never. I would never-"

You raised your hand silencing him, "It's fine Peter really I'm just glad that means you'll be there. You will come right?"

He looked down and you frowned, "I'm not really invited. See Flash and I don't get along."

"That's bull. If I'm invited so are you. Besides if so many people are going how will he ever notice."

He offered the smallest smile and you laughed grabbing just the one Physics notebook in one hand and the other confidently draped over Peter's shoulders. He glanced a little surprised but you started walking with him at your side with just a big grin.

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