On the Roof

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The last bell rang out signaling the end of the school day and you, along with the rest of the class, rushed over towards the makeshift phone jail your teacher insisted on. Bright on your lock screen were several texts messages.

Amanda: Working late tonight and Abby is at a friend's house so you'll have to let yourself into the apartment with the key under the mat.

Of course. Today was the only day Happy wasn't able to pick you up either so it sounded like you were stranded, just your luck. Walking slowly down the halls, you headed towards your locker surprised to see a familiar face hovering nearby. 

"Peter!" You exclaimed causing his head to shoot up in your direction. The second his eyes found you he had a sort of cute nervous grin and you almost laughed approaching him. "What's up?"

His eyebrows shot up, "Oh nothing my locker was just jammed so.."

"Is your locker near here?" You asked glancing around. It seemed stupid but it felt like a piece of you kinda deflated knowing he wasn't actually just hanging near your locker. 

"Yeah," he pointed to a locker a few feet from yours, "Darn thing always is jammed though."

Nodding you shifted your backpack uncomfortably on your shoulders, "Do you need help with it or anything?"

"Oh no no just waiting for the janitor to return," he smiled, "So do you have any plans? Still going to go research Spider-Man or something?"

Your eyes lit up remembering the file Nova was at this very moment building on him, "Maybe a little," you lied knowing it would take up a good deal of your afternoon, "Is that weird?"

"No not at all although I must say hearing you talk about him is almost as weird as hearing Flash Thompson obsess over him."

You tilted your head remembering the all too forward boy you'd met at lunch, "He's a little weird, isn't he? He invited me to some party on Friday and I guess I have to go now."

Peter blinked staring at you for an awkward moment, "He just... invited you to a party? Out of the blue?"

"Oh well I sat with him, his girlfriend, Betty, and some of her friends at lunch today so I guess it wasn't that out of the blue. if I'm honest though I don't really want to go," you confessed releasing a long sigh.

"Are you kidding? You're so going. I wonder if this is like a whole school party or exclusive."

"If it was a whole school party wouldn't you know about it?" You asked unsure of how that would have worked but Peter just shook his head 'no'. "Okay well, why don't you come anyway?" You asked reaching forward excitedly to grab his arm, "I don't know anybody really at this school yet but as sad as it might sound I think you're my closest friend."

He laughed, a real genuine laugh, "That's ridiculous (Y/N) by next week you'll of forgotten all about me, trust me. As soon as everyone meets you they'll be dying to be your friend."

You groaned running a hand over the side of your face, "I seriously doubt that, this place kinda sucks if I'm honest. I mean how is it only Tuesday? Please actually answer that."

He laughed again stepping closer to his locker as if remembering why he was there and instinctively you stepped towards yours opening it. "That's just how it goes here at Midtown High. The hours feel like days and the days feel like weeks."

"Well make it stop, please." You begged grabbing your remaining books and taking a step back. He smiled at you again which you gladly returned raising your hand up into a mock salute, 'I'll see you later Parker and good luck with the locker."

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