Chapter Two

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I awoke next morning to the sound of Argento's purring. Argento is my companion animal, a snow leopard. He was born to protect me. His fur is a majestic silver that only I can touch, because we were bound together from birth. Argento and I were both born from the Silver River on the same day, seventeen years ago. The Silver River is a very sacred place, and only very few can claim to have come from it. It is the most holy site on in Aiorto, our planet. Those born from the Silver River are granted immortality, frozen at the state of young adulthood. However, if the river is ever destroyed, those who come from it will face the same fate. Anyone who comes from this river is also of royal birth, but it has many different names. Argento and I are the only one's to come from the Silver River, which is the river's state at night. However, there are others who come from this river at it's state in the day, called the Golden Lake, which is more common for royals. In a way, everyone who comes from this river would be related, but we do not share the same kindoms. As I am to rule Dausia, the eastern half of Aiorto, the offspring of the Golden Lake would rule a land called Ciero, the western half of Aiorto. That is what my tutors have taught me. "Argento, come." I murmered, still lying in bed. He settled next to me, his soft fur shedding minuscule pieces of silver as I stroked him. "Argento, we must prepare for the day, and wait for the night." I said as I pushed away the covers. My ladies-in-waiting slid my long gown over my head, and even though I wore it everyday I still found it gorgeous. It was black and silver velvet dress, with long sleeves and a skirt that trailed the ground. It also had an elegent silver belt and collar to tye the outfit togther. Simple yet flattering. Next they did my hair, always bickering on which way to style my wavy black locks. My hair was different than most people's because it had tiny, circular peices of silver encrusted in it all over, from my hairline to the tips. If you touched and styled my hair, however, it would feel like normal hair. It is part of the things that define a person from the Silver River. I closed my eyes while they styled it, today cascading down my back in a single braid that stretched to my hips.

"Your Highness," a lady whispered, making me open my eyes, "you must add the final touch." Ah, yes. How could I have forgotten? She had meant my crown, another thing that defined a child of the river. It could only appear when I wanted it to, and could also dissapear on my command. I thanked my lady in waiting for reminding me, and touched my slender fingers to my forehead and brought them back to my ears with a gentle touch. All of a sudden, an intricate crown of silver appears, with twining strands of silver wrapping perfectly around my hear and a point formation in front that dropped to between my eyebrows, with a moonstone on the part that rested on my forehead. All my ladies-in-waiting sighed. No matter how many times I do it they just can't get used to seeing it. 

"You look beautiful, Your Highness." A lady shyly stated. I had not meant to be rude, but I did not say anything. It was a statement I had heard all my life. Looking in the mirror, I never knew what everybody saw. I knew children of the river were supposed to be the most beautiful, but after seeing the other royals I felt that I was indeed like the moon. I was just taking beauty of the other children of the Golden Lake and reflecting it differently. I had the same tiny nose, full lips, arched eyebrows, and high cheek bones that they had. However, there were some differences. A child of the Golden Lake would have a more squared face and jaw, and mine was heart-shaped. Also, their hair is a radiant blone instead of my midnight black. Besides that, there was another major difference: our eyes. While they had a dark gold iris, my eyes were silver. However, they have pupils, when I don't. The  iris envelopes the whole circle in my eyes. The whites of my eyes remain white though. I figured they were scary, or ghost-like, but I was wrong. People at the castle were always talking of beauty with my name mixed into the hushed voices. I always thought my eyes startling, but my judgement is not the same as others.

"It is time for breakfast Argento." I stated. "May we continue to the dining hall?" With Argento by my side and my ladies-in-waiting in tow, we made our way into the castle hall where sunlight streaked through.

Hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to comment or vote! And may I say that when I talk about her crown i mean the one shown on the cover if that helps with a more vivid picture. Love and darkness,


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