Awake and asleep

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" Mitch! Omg you're okay I'm so glad you're awake. I was woried sick about you." That I could tell. mitch said with a painfull smile on his face. " look at you. What happend in there? you're door was on the floor when I came home and so where you. Almost as broken as the door." scott said like he was playing a game of rapid fire. " I'm sorry if I scared you was it so bad? I don't really remember it that well. I must have hit my head because it's about to explode." Do I need to call a doc. for some painkillers?" Nah I'm fine it's normal." Soooo.... can you tell me what happened in there? " No I can't. Or at least not now I don't want to bring it up." that's okay we will have that talk later again. Hey I'm going to call kirstie and then go to the cafeteria to grab some food. I'll be right back." It's not that I can leave smartass" mitch said jokingly. when scott left mitch broke down. he knew this was the place where he would end up. and he was right mitch didn't like it. "knock knock. well hello there sleepyhead what a suprise seeing you here dear." Travis what the heck are you doing here?" To look at my troffee and price. You know it wasn't nice of you're friend to call the cops. Now i'ts going to be hard to be with you." Leave me alone travis just get out and leave." Wow getting bossy huh well try to make me leave" "Travis if you don't move you're fat ass out of this hospital I'm not only going to call the cops but make sure you won't remember any of it" scott said standing behind travis. " Well well well... if that isn't mr. savior. why would I listen to you? " Because the cops are on there way here right now I saw you coming here and called the cops. They will be here in 2 minutes if it isn't less. " Whoohoo now I'm scared you will here from me when you mitch deserve part 2 of my game. See you later boys. but watch out you will never now where I will be there to hurt you. Bye mitchie see you later." Travis pusched scott away and left the room. " going to be back....?" mitch said shaking. " Don't worry I will be with you every second okay " Thanks scott what would I be without you."

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