Chapter 1 - the Trip

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Ash ketchum smiled as he lifted his head into the air and felt the salty sea air caress his face, he was only seven but he already knew what he wanted to do with his life and had known since he was five when he had first seen the indigo league championships on television. ash wanted to be a pokemon master. 

He had been talking to his mother and professor Oak the nice old man that his mom often had lunch with, Ash knew that the old man used to be a powerful pokemon trainer and that was the main reason why he asked the old man for advice as he tried to learn everything he could about the pokemon from around the world.

the professor had told Ash many times that the most important part of training a pokemon was to bond with them and to listen to them as there were many things that the pokemon could teach people, only once you could truly understand and call the pokemon a friend were you able to start trying to teach it.

Ash hadn't really understood what the professor meant when he began talking about it but when the professor brought out his own personal team that he had traveled with years ago ash realized what he meant as he watched the professor talk with his charizard and dragonite as if he spoke their language while all Ash could hear were vage grunts and signs. 

from that moment on Ash spent every moment of his free time in the professor's coral at his lab so he could get to know and understand the many different types and species of pokemon that trainers sent there while they were out on their journies, though Ash had been forced to promise his mother that he wouldn't let his grades fall because of his trips to the coral.

when Ash heard just two weeks before the end of the school year that professor Oak was headed for the orange islands and wanted his mother to go and help him catalog pokemon Ash had been  over the moon, he had begged his mother to take him with them instead of leaving him at a babysitters house. His mother had been worried and nervous but had eventually relented at the promise that Ash would ace his end of the year tests and that he would behave himself while they were gone on their trip. 

traveling to the orange islands had been a blast so far, ash thought even though they had just arrived at one of the less populated islands it had still been fun to experiance the sea and get to see the incredible wild water types that seemed to pop out of the ocean every once in a while to play.

turning to see the front of the ferry ash saw his mother waiting in the sea of people with everyone else that was ready to go as soon as the boat finished docking, smiling softly ash ran over to his mother and managed to sneak up on her even though he had to crawl around the many legs between the two of them. making it through the crowd ash went to jump on his mother only for her to catch him and set him on her hip.

"now, now Ash you promised me that you would be a good boy and keep from causing trouble if i brought you with me" delila ketchum said as she looked down at her son seemingly not aware of the incredible island she had just docked on, Ash however was not able to hide his expresion of pure awe as he looked around at the tall building and jungle that surrounded them.

"i know, i was just having a little fun mom i wasn't causing trouble" Ash pouted slightly as he eyes on the incredible buildings and plants that surrounded them as they left the ship, he was trying to spot one of the wild pokemon that he knew had to be somewhere on the island.

alright but from now on you have to stay with me okay? i don't want you to wander off and get lost" Ash nodded to his mother as she began walking onto the island as they disembarked, the two traveled in silence for a few minutes before they saw professor oak waiting for them.

"ah, i'm glad you two made it so quickly we have a ways to walk before we make it back up to my campsite" professor Oak said as he ruffled Ash's hair before he began leading the mother and her son out of the city and onto the less traveled island paths as they walked back to the campsite that they would be staying at.


"i really must thank you for comming out here to help me delila it will be much easier to keep everything organized and on track with another set of hands and eyes here to help me" professor Oak said as the three of them sat down that night for dinner. 

"oh it was no trouble at all professor, i hope you don't mind that I let Ash come with me. he's been so exhited for this trip that i could barely get him to go to sleep last night" delila said with a smile causing the pair to laugh while ash watched his mother and professor Oak laugh about some strange adult joke that ash didn't understand as he went off to get some sleep, the exhitment of the island finally leaving him as he let the exhaustion of not sleeping the night before send him into a deep sleep.

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