You had no idea how much time you had left, but you could clearly see the sun setting out the windows as you searched the room from top to bottom, not finding anything that resembled a laundry basket. Huffing in frustration, you sat on the bed giving yourself a momentary break.

This is insane, you thought to yourself, I don't even know how much time I have left. For all I know they could come barging through that door at any minute. Where is this stupid laundry basket!?

You slumped down over the bed, letting your head and (h/c) hair hang off as you tried to calm your frustrations. Blinking a few times, you felt embarrassment and anger well up inside you as you saw a small basket tucked underneath one of the princes beds. Turning your head slightly, you saw a similar one underneath the one you were laying on. Sitting up, you hopped off the bed and dragged both baskets out from underneath the bed and looked inside.

After confirming that there were clothes inside, you went out and grabbed the towel before opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. The sudden realization slapped you in the face again. You had no clue where this room was. Slowly, you started walking down the hallway, hoping to run into someone who knew where you were supposed to go. Luck apparently wasn't on your side though as you wandered for a few minutes, not seeing anyone.

You stared at a door for a moment before realizing which one it was and you hurriedly set the baskets and towel down. Quietly, you pushed your way inside the fitting room and peered around. It seemed much more ominous the more the sun set, and you looked around hoping to see two familiar figures.

"Florence?" You whisper-yelled, "Micah?" You slowly walked between the rows of racks, looking around for them. Suddenly, something rustled between some dresses to your left and you whirled around to inspect the area.

"Hello...? Micah if this is one of your pranks, its not funny!" You huffed as you stomped your foot and continued to stare. Sighing, you turned back after a few moments and unleashed a high-pitched scream as you saw someone mere inches from your face.

They burst out into laughter, "You know, I thought it was pretty funny." They said between giggles as they grabbed their torso.

"Micah!" You yelled. "That was not funny!" You shook your head angrily. "First I have to deal with demented twins and now I have to deal with someone stupid like you." You mumbled as you crossed your arms.

His facial expression softened for a second and he stopped laughing, "Sorry (Y/n), I couldn't help myself. Now, was there something you needed."

You sighed, "Yeah, there is. The Princes told me to go deliver their laundry to the laundry room, but I don't know where that is exactly. I was hoping you could show me the way..." You trailed off as you saw him grin.

"Oh! Of course! But the trips gonna cost you."

You looked at him, puzzled, "What do you mean?'

He leaned in, "One kiss please!"

You widened your eyes and shoved him away, making him fall to the ground, "No! You pervert! You're no better than the twins!"

He rolled around on the floor laughing, "Oh...Oh that was priceless (Y/n). You should've seen your face! Haha!"

You glared down at him, "Ill find the room myself." You snapped as you turned on your heel and headed towards the door.

Micah quickly hopped up and blocked the exit, "No, seriously, I'll show you. I just needed a good laugh today. I didn't mean it."

"I'm glad I'm a good source of entertainment," you mumbled as you stepped outside and picked the baskets and towel back up.

You followed Micah down a few halls and a set of stairs before he opened a door on your left.

"Here you are Miss," He said with a grin, "I do take tips for my services."

You briskly walked past him and set the items against the nearest wall before turning back to him, "Sorry lover boy, but I'm all out of money this time around."

He moved out of the doorway to let you pass him and make your way back to the princes rooms.

"Ah, I must start a running total on the debt you owe me then." He concluded as he walked beside you, his hands behind his head.

You laughed and shook your head, "No need. I don't plan to stay here for long and before I go I'll make sure to repay you." You could've sworn you saw a look of sadness cross his face before he plastered his usual grin back on his face.

You left him at the fitting rooms door and continued down the hallway, hoping that the princes hadn't come back from their dinner yet. Holding your breath as you swung the door open, you were met with an empty room.

"Oh thank god." You said to yourself as you went over and sat on the couch. There wasn't much else to do until the brothers came back, so you lit a new fire and sat back down, resigned to waiting for them to return. After a few minutes, your eyes started to feel heavy and you glanced into the princes room and out a window to see that it was now dark outside.

You yawned and forced your eyes to stay open. No (Y/n), you can't fall asleep yet. Wait until they give you a room or something before you let your guard down. However, no matter how much you scolded yourself, you drifted off after a few minutes.


Connor yawned as he slowly walked back down the hall, Aiden walking next to him, "That stupid ambassador wouldn't stop talking." He grumbled as he stretched.

Aiden glanced at him and smirked, "No, he wouldn't would he? No matter, lets hope dear (Y/n) completed her tasks, although it would be fun to see a bit of pain on her face."

Connor nodded in agreement and they stopped in front of the door to their rooms. Glancing at each other, they both threw the door open and stepped inside. 

Aidens eyes scanned the room, trying to find something that didn't look clean, but he couldn't. Connor silently walked into the bedroom and looked under the bed and noticed their clothes were gone. He came back out to see Aiden approvingly inspecting the fireplace.

"She did it." Connor said, surprise lacing his voice.

"Yes, how peculiar. She seemed to be freaking out when we left." Aiden muttered as he walked over to his brother. "But where is she."

As if on cue, you let out a soft sigh and you shifted on the couch. Connor swiftly walked over and peered down at your sleeping figure.

"She fell asleep," He whispered with a laugh, "In a foreign place, in a mans room. My, how stupid she is."

Aiden nodded as he bent down to pick you up and carried you bridal style into their bedroom. He laid you down on his bed and turned to his brother whispering something, causing Connor to raise his eyebrows and glance back to the living room.

They quickly changed out of their evening attire and into matching light blue cotton shirts and white silk pants before both staring down at you.

"Why does she get your bed, brother?" Connor asked, disappointment filling his voice.

"She sat on your bed earlier." He replied as he covered you with the comforter before climbing into the bed himself. "Now, Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Connor replied as both of the boys easily drifted off into sleep. 

A/N: Sorry! This chapter wasn't that interesting, but I promise to make the next one wayyy more interesting...For both the twins and you :3. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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