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"Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude" Tony told Steve.

Wanda came back with their orders and set the plates in front of them "hot and crispy pillbug for the happy couple" she said without emotion and then threw confetti "mazel tov" again, no emotion behind her voice.

Tony sniffed the food on the plate. He's not sure what that is but he assumes it must be something country folk eat. And judging by the way Steve smiled and tapped on the rolled up bug to get it to open, he was right. He grimaced as he saw Steve sucking up the insides of the large bug. He would never eat such thing. He actually nearly came close to throwing up.

"Oh, here, let me get that for you" Steve tapped Tony's bug and it opened up. Tony grimaced and got out of the table. "Where are you going?" Steve asked with a mouthful of bug.

"I'm just going to slip into the kitchen and have a word with the chef" Tony said.

"You're gonna get us thrown out"

"Please. With this disguise" he fluffed up his hair "I'm invisible" he walked up to the kitchen door, his behind looking much bigger due to the fact that he's wearing Steve's poncho as a dress. A man that's sitting at the bar kept his eyes on Tony's butt and then turned to Steve and gave him a thumbs up. Steve returned the gesture and returned to his food.

During that time, Thor and Loki had entered the restaurant and sat at the table behind Steve. Loki is irritated, they still haven't found Tony.

"We've been walking around in circles who knows how long. That is the last time we take directions from a squirrel" Loki groaned and shuddered "I should have done away with Tony myself when I had the chance" Steve who overheard the conversation, choked on his food.

"Ugh, you really gotta stop beating yourself up about that" Thor told Loki. The dark-haired man held a fork in his hand and bent it in anger. Why does he still have Thor around? And why did he think it was ever a good idea to follow directions from a squirrel?

"I'll get you another one there, Loki" Thor said before turning in his seat and tapping Steve on the shoulder. The man gasped and nervously turned around "are you, uh, using that fork there pal?" Steve held the fork up for Thor to take but the man saw his face and saw familiarity in it "hey, don't I know you?"

"I don't think so" Steve rubbed his ear nervously and tried to cover his face.

"Wrestle you in high school?" Thor smiled.

"I don't know"

"Middle school? I got it Ms. Narca's interpretive dance. Two semesters. I was usually in the back because of my weak ankles. Come on pal, you gotta help me out here"

"Um, I- I don't think we've ever met. I, uh, I gotta go" Steve quickly stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I'll think of it!" Thor told the man.

Inside the kitchen Tony is talking to the chef with a really bad sunburn. It's so bad that his skin is bright red. How he's managing to move without crying in pain, who knows? But at least he's doing what he likes. That is until Tony walked in and started to annoy him about the food and a million other little things.

"Look, all I know is the food looked iffy. And I'm not the only one who thinks that I'm sure. So I'm just checking to make sure you're gonna take the main course up a notch" Tony told the chef. Steve had peeked through the door and hissed for Tony's attention but the man was too busy annoying the chef. He kept looking over his shoulder to make sure no one is coming. He ran inside and tried to pull Tony away.

THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE → AVENGERS AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن