"Action." Carrie uttered through giggles.

"Julian.... can I.. confess something to you?" I asked him once more.

"Of course you can.. LiZA." Drake said putting emphasis on the correct name.

I get closer to Drake and I place my hand on his face. "I... have a burning passion for your love, my darling." I say dramatically.

Confused Drake had no clue where to place his hands so he sticks them on both sides of my face. "MY DEAR I FEEL THE SAME WAY!" He yelled at me.

Again, all of us fell out laughing and called off the whole practice because no one can take it seriously.

"I am PARCHED." Drake says demonically.

"I'll get us something to drink, I saw a lemonade stand in the lobby and I'm sold." Carrie told us.

"Oka, hurry back gurl!" I said in a goofy tone.
Carries point of view. (No way.)
As I exited y/n's room I heard two familiar voices whisper arguing, it was Craig and Evan.

"I do not! Want him even looking at y/n" I heard Evan say.

I pause in my tracks and I quickly hide behind the vase with a giant plant in it to listen in.

"You are being RIDICULOUS! All of us where looking at her did you see that uniform?" Said Craig.

I cringe at their boyish minds, but keep on listening.

"I get that but you guys aren't the one who put us in trouble the last time." Evan stressed.

"Look, you can't just control these adults lives! Even though he doesn't show it but it's clear he likes y/n and you can't stop that!" Craig yelled in a hushed tone.

"Yes I can, if I am here to stop it I can." Evan said and walked off. I heard his steps coming my way and I don't move a muscle. Evan luckily doesn't see me and I run past the vase and up to Craig.

Craig jumped and almost screamed yet I covered his mouth and pushed him to his room door.

"Where did you come from?!" He shouted after I uncovered his mouth.

"I originally came out for lemonade until I heard y/n's name being brought up. What's going on?" I asked him.

Craig hesitated and sighed because he knew he was trapped.

"After y/n told Evan what happened, you know the kiss between her and Tyler Evan has been down Tyler's throat which is causing tension in the group. Tyler was on his way to go talk to y/n but was stopped by Evan and was told to never speak to her or even get close to her." Craig sighed.

"So you're saying Evans the reason why Tyler stopped talking to her? This could be potentially forever!" I whisper shout.

Craig nodded. "I know, that's what I'm trying to get him to see... they're perfect." Craig sighed.

"No way... wait... you ship too?" I asked.

Craig nodded and I swear I squealed.

"So... How do we fix?" I asked him.

"Honestly I want these two together in one room and talk it out with one another." Craig said thinking.

"Yeah yeeaaahhhh... like get them where Evan won't know where they're at... somewhere Evan won't even know where to look..." I thought.

"Whatever is going on I'm down with it." A voice behind us says.

We both scream and Craig jumps into my arms.

"CRAAIIGG WHYY?!" I screamed out because of how heavy he is.

Graig hopped off after he realized it was Tyler.

"Ooohhh it's Tylooorrr." I said in a weird way.

Tyler just stood there and nodded.

Craig hesitated." How's the weather today?" he smiled.

"Stop, I know what you guys are trying to do but, I want in I need to talk to her." Tyler admitted.

"Wait, I thought this wasn't what you want.. annddd you said you didn't want to hurt her... plus what about Callie?" Craig asked.

"That's her name.. anyways I can't even remember her name half of the time and... I can't get y/n out of my head and the last text she sent me... which was she'll leave me alone and personally I don't want her to... she's amazing and adoring how could I pass that up? And if it's not what I want then what's the harm in ever finding out? As for me losing her I'm going to try my best to never hurt her... you can't usually hurt the people you're madly in love with." Tyler preached.

Craig and I look at each other with our mouths open.

"This.. isn't going to be easy." I say.

"How come?" Tyler asked.

"...You disappeared out of her life, now you're coming back into it without telling her why." I say.

"But.. I plan to tell her why." Tyler said.

"No, no you are not." Craig said clearly scared.

Tyler looked at the both of us confused.

"You can't tell her Evan did this or it'll literally cause a world war three, four and five." I tell him.

"Then... what do I say to her?" He says clearly defeated.

"Just tell her... you were embarrassed and was scared that you didn't think she felt the same way, okay tiger?" I asked.

Tyler shrugged and nodded. "Deal." He says.

"Great!! Now here's the plan." Graig says.

Uh oh! Something is a brewin'! What would happen next? Will y/n ever find out that Evan is being a butt? Is lying bad? Will it work? Find out IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! *woosh* also does anyone play imvu and wanna be friends? If so hit me up! ☺️

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