one: grandma

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"You've got to eat Ava."

"Think about what you're doing."

"When was the last time you had a meal?"

"Are you sure you're not hungry"

These were the many questions and scolding's I had received over the past month from my parents. After what had happened last month I couldn't bring myself to eat full meals, I would only eat small snacks and even then I couldn't keep it down. I couldn't decide whether it was due to grief or due to the fact that I had a person growing inside of me.

I still remember that god awful day like it was yesterday, from what seemed like the best day ever turned into the worst. I guess evolution won this time, one person's life was taken away while another ones has just been created.

I sighed pushing the spaghetti from side to side on the plate that my mother insisted that I eat. Ever since I broke down within the first week she told me that I had to stay at my old home so I could get better and so that they made sure I was taken care of myself and the baby.

"Honey you've hardly ate much, are you ok."

"hmm" I snapped my eyes up to my mother's worried looking ones

"I said you've hardly ate anything on your plate, are you ok?" I almost felt like laughing at the question

"Surely you know by now mum that I am far from ok" I sighed again staring down at my plate.

"I was just asking hun." A pang of guilt rose in me

"Sorry mum." She waved her hands in dismissal

"Its fine, I understand." She smiled and my lips twitched ever so slightly.

My mother was lucky today, I would hardly speak to anyone and I would always keep myself secluded and shut myself out from everyone.

"You know Anne's in town and she wants to see you, she was upset when you didn't turn up for his service."

"The reason I didn't turn up was because I refuse I believe that Harry's dead. We all know he isn't we've just all gave up on looking for him." I hissed pushing my chair out from the table and storming upstairs, I slammed the door and immediately slid down it not stopping the tears from falling.

A few minutes of crying and a soft knock sounded on my door.

"Ava I know you're upset but can I please come in?" I was expecting my mother to be at the other side but it wasn't, it was my dad. I sniffed and shuffled towards my bed hiding my face in my hands. He sighed and sat down next to me, our shoulders touching.

"What happened with you two? Your mother's upset." I sniffed again.

"I flipped out again, she didn't mean no harm. It's just- it hurts so much dad and I don't want to believe that he's dead but there's been no hope in finding a body."

"I know you choose not to believe it but there's been no evidence of his body being found. You can't give up hope. We're doing the best we can to get to the bottom of this but beating yourself up about it isn't going to help. You have to think about other people in this as well, like my grandchild. Imagine what he or she is going to be thinking knowing that its mother is upset every day and not filling its belly with food." He nudged my shoulder and I laughed

"Dad it's the size of a pea I highly doubt it has a brain or a stomach right now." I sniffed again wiping underneath my eyes.

"I know but just think about it. You're doing harm to both of you if you chose not to eat. He wouldn't want this for the baby. If you don't do it for yourself do it for that beautiful child inside of your stomach." Ever since before I found out I was pregnant me and my father were starting to become closer and this pep talk made me feel a whole lot better about myself and about the whole situation.

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