Wraith x Fem! Reader

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Thank you so much for requesting @TheGeekyHobo and I hope this lived up to your expectations also if you hate it let me know and I'll make another one. This is my first x reader so hopefully I do it right. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do, so I just did during a match and then after so I hope that's alright. :) (Your tactical is to place up to 6 very small, barely visible bombs on any surface that explode when you get close to them. You can only carry three at a time. Passive is that explosives do 25% less damage to you than everyone else. Ultimate is one large, almost nuclear level bomb that does 25% damage to everyone in the area for it and if they don't move or get killed it will do another 10% damage every 15 seconds.I'll leave your legend name up to you because idk what to call her lol)

I am sitting in a building dozing off a little. It has been a pretty slow match so far, I got a couple kills early on and then moved to a less populated area to get more supplies. It has been quite some time since I have encountered another legend. Off season is really difficult for me because it's solo's and I get really bored. I decide to pull out a bomb and stick it beside the door, on the outside. At least this way I'll know if anyone comes near. I sit for a few more minutes, before I get a message on my watch. 'Bomb disabled' it says. That's weird. Who could've seen it and had the accuracy to disable it while not in range? Wraith. She's the only one that can sense bombs and traps that are nearby. I knew I'd run into her eventually, I was just hoping it wouldn't be soon. I push myself to my feet and get out another bomb to throw  when she walks in. I hear light footsteps and throw the bomb. My watch buzzes again. She hit it midair! I stand there with my mouth agape. That's nearly impossible!

"This yours?" She asks, picking up the dismantled bomb, her pale blue eyes meeting my (eye color) ones. I set my feet apart and aim, blowing my (hair color) hair out of my face. "I'm not going to try to kill you just yet," she says, "You're far too interesting for that."

"Yeah it's mine. I don't believe we've officially met. I'm-" She cuts me off.

"I know who you are, (Legend name). I've been watching you for sometime. I knew you'd be quite the challenge when we crossed paths." She glances outside. "We're drawing attention, I need to move. Find me outside the ring, and maybe we can talk." She flashes me a grin and turns on her heel.

"You should smile more often, it looks good on you." She stops and turns back around.

"I'll keep that in mind." Wraith smiles again, this time more genuine.

~~~ Time skip because I can't write lots of combat ~~~

Th match is finally over. I didn't win, but neither did Wraith, surprisingly. That woman is good, I'm telling you. I go to the infirmary to get all patched up so I'm not leaving a trail of blood everywhere (with some of the legends, that's a bad idea), and start off  to find Wraith. After all, she told me to find her outside the ring. On one hand, I could go to her apartment, it wouldn't be hard to figure out which one was hers, but that could come off kind of creepy, and she may not even be there. So instead I settle for walking around the Apex Complex, because chances are pretty high that I come across her. Finding her happens much faster than I think it will though, I had only been walking for about 10 minutes before I ran into her. Literally. I fall to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, you found me!" She chuckles and offers a hand to help me up. I accept it gratefully and she pulls me to my feet, a little too hard, so I end up crashing into her again, only with less of an impact. "Sorry."

"It's all good. Do you want to maybe grab something to eat?" I say, scratching the back of my neck. I don't know why I'm so nervous, hanging out outside of the ring was her idea, after all. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Are you asking me on a date, (Legend name)?"

"Do you want me to be?" I ask. "And call me (First name) outside the ring." I tell her my real name, but I don't  ask hers because I know she doesn't know what it is.

"Yeah. I think I'd like that." She pauses and thinks for a second. "(First name), huh? Has a nice ring to it." And she's right. I love the way my real name sounds coming off her lips.

We end up eating at one of the random diners located in the Apex Complex. We both eat our food, and sit at the table just talking for hours.

"So you don't know where your powers came from? Mine are just a technology I developed."

"I have no clue. That's why I joined the games, to get some answers." We finally get up and start to leave the diner. There's a comfortable silence for a few minutes as we walk back to the lobby."Why did you join the games?"

"In all honesty, I just had nowhere to go and nothing to lose. I figured fighting to the death and getting resurrected for a living is better than nothing." We stop, as we have reached the lobby.

"I suppose you're right. I guess this is where we depart."

"I guess so. I'll guess I'll see you later." She smiles.

"Preferably before the next match." She says and I step closer to whisper in her ear. This probably looks really strange to an outsider but I don't care.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll see a lot more of me before then." I move my lips away from her ear and kiss her cheek. We both leave the lobby red faced, but smiling. 

1045 words (counting the authors note at the beginning)

I hope i did this justice and that you enjoyed. don't forget to leave any requests in the comments!
Xoxo~ Hannah

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