The Portkey

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Ron bursts into the small attic room, his bright orange Chudley Cannons pyjama bottoms visible even in the minimal light. y/n was sat bolt upright, breathing heavily and desperate for air. Ron immediately went to her and sat on the bed with her, trying to shush her pants and gasps for air.

"Hey, hey, it's ok now, y/n." Ron soothed, "I heard you screaming what happened?"

y/n swallowed, now having control over her breathing, "Bad dream, that's all." she said quickly.

But the images y/n saw in her nightmare wouldn't leave her mind for the whole day. She contemplated them at the breakfast table, mindlessly moving around her eggs with her fork as the faces of the cemetery caretaker, Wormtail, Voldemort, and the unknown man tormented her thoughts. 

"y/n?" a voice startled her out of her thoughts. It was Molly, holding a stack of letters in her hand.

"Sorry, what was that?" she replied only half awake. 

"You have a letter, dear. From Hogwarts." Molly explained handing her a letter with a blazing red wax seal holding the letter inside.

"Booklists?" y/n asked, turning over the letter in her hand. 

"I don't think so. Only you, Fred, and George received them. They must be your O.W.Ls." Molly said, excitement growing in her voice. 

y/n had completely forgotten that she had completed her Potions O.W.Ls the year before. With all of her attention focused on finding Sirius Black, studies were not her first priority. Yet, she liked to think she did well and hoped she had. Snape wouldn't accept anyone into his N.E.W.T class who didn't achieve an Outstanding score in their O.W.Ls. y/n didn't even want to think about how Snape would react if she failed.

Opening her letter, she pulled out the parchment with both the Hogwarts and Ministry of Magic seal upon it. She moved down to her statement of results. 

y/n l/n 
Hogwarts student
Third Year. 

Passing Marks:
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectation (E)
Acceptable (A)

Failing Marks:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Potions: O

y/n smiled and let out a sigh of relief, earning the attention of those around her. 

"Is there really any point in asking what you got," Ron said, rolling his eyes, teasing, "We all know you got an O."

"We're all very proud of you, y/n," Molly said, rushing over to engulf the girl in a hug. 

y/n looked over to Fred and George's letters discarded onto the table, with their owners quickly stuffing food into their mouths. 

"How did you two go?" y/n asked the twins.

Fred shrugged, "Passed what we needed to."

George nodded, "Nothing special, it's just to determine N.E.W.Ts at the end of the day anyway. They don't really matter do they?"

Molly trudged over to them and snatched up the letters, "Oh stop it you two, N.E.W.Ts are very important."

"Yeah, if you want to end up a Ministry zombie for the rest of your life," George replied. 

Fred fake coughed, "Percy," he said under his breath and y/n couldn't help but chuckle.

Molly shot them a glare and unfolded the crumpled-up letters. She scanned them for a moment, her expression unchanging, "Well, at least you both passed Transfiguration, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts." she sighed.

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