Chapter 7

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The whole time you were at work you couldn't even serve any of the other costumers because you were too busy taking care of Akashi's ridiculous needs.

A couple of times he dropped his fork he used for his pie, so you could get him a new one. He even spilt his water so you could clean it up. All the other girls were too busy with the other costumers to help Akashi. Even if they could Akashi only wanted you to serve him.

It was finally the end of your shift and you gave Akashi his bill. He had a very amused expression on his face.

You came back and he was gone. Wasn't he going to give you a ride home? Well his home.

You looked at the bill to see a note on the back of it. It read.

'Meet me at the employee entrance when your finished,'


After getting ready to leave you met Akashi at the employee entrance.

"Took you long enough," he glared at you.

"S-Sorry," you mumbled looking away.

"Before we leave I need to confirm something with you, well not really confirm but command," he still glares at you but this time he pins you against the wall.

"O-Oi! Akashi-" he cuts you off.

"You're not allowed to work here anymore, end of discussion,"

He backs away from you and heads towards the limo.

It takes you a few seconds to realize what he just said.

"Wait what?! You can't just not let me work here anymore," you said as sternly as you could.

"I said end of discussion (First Name)," he opened the limo door. "Now hurry up I need to get home and work on some things," he said gesturing you towards the limo.

You weren't going to let him take you away from your job. "No," you said quietly.

"Pardon me?" Akashi said and glared your way.

You bunched your hands into a fist.

"I said no! You can't just not let me work here anymore without giving me a reason!" you shouted, also hoping no one from in the café could hear you.

Akashi smirked and walked towards you, grabbing your chin roughly so you were glaring at him directly into his eyes.

"Of course you never noticed this before, but there are so many men looking at you sadisticly and I can't have that," he kept smirking. "I'm the only one allowed to look at you like that,"

One of his hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Don't get me wrong, I would have let you stay, but once I saw them staring I couldn't help but get furious," he said seriously this time, moving his face closer to yours.

You blush by his closeness. He smirks at your reaction.

"Now you have a reason,"

"B-But I need a job so I can pay for my sports," you looked away.

"Look at me (First Name)," he demanded.

You looked at him.

"I will pay for your sports or anything you need,"

"W-What? I can't make you do that Akashi-kun," you protested.

"Oh but I can,"

You look away again. Is he being serious right now?

"W-Why?" you say quietly.


"Why would you do that for me?" you said a little louder this time, but not too loud.

"Why? Well......." he smirks and holds you closer and firmer.

Then to your surprise he kisses you on the lips. Not knowing what's happening you kiss Akashi back. You blush and your face turns as red as a tomato as Akashi pulls back.

"Now don't think I won't want anything in return just because of that little kiss," he smirks.

"W-What do you want?" you ask nervously.

"Come into the limo first," he walks towards the limo and opens the door.

"O-Okay," you get into the limo and sit down. Akashi sits in after you.

"I haven't had any of your blood in a while, I expect to get my fair share of your blood every other day at least, in exchange for my money," he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to him.

"I-I don't know," you look away and blush.

He grabs your chin.

"Of course you have no choice because that was an order," he smirks and bites down on your neck.

You gasp at the sudden bite. At first you try to push him away, but you then realize maybe you should let him considering what he's doing. Even though you wish you could stay at your work.

This time Akashi sucks your blood longer assuming that you haven't been bitten in a while.

But now you were starting to get light headed. You gripped Akashi's shoulders.


Akashi probably sensed that you were getting light headed, and pulled away from your neck.

He smiles gently at you. Then pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

You were shocked by his words. Wow can he change emotions really fast. You then blush.

"T-Thank you," you look away.

"Yes now tell me," he leans closer to your face. "Whose a better kisser me or Tetsuya,"

Your eyes widen. You completely forgot that you had kissed Kuroko. And now you just kissed Akashi. How was this gonna play out? It's almost like a love triangle right now!

(A/N: Ohhhhh what you gonna do?! Btw I just finished a book with a huge love triangle and yeah that's where this is coming from)

"I-I can't quite say for sure," you can't tell him you don't know what he's talking about because obviously he knows you know.

"Hm, I guess I'll make you choose me,"

Without giving you any time to reply he roughly kisses you on the lips pinning you down on the floor of the limo. So many emotions are going through your head right now. You can't think.


Whoa whoa whoa. Did I just update early? Come on give me some credit here! Hahaha nah it's okay. I should update more often anyways.

So how was the continuation of last chapter of Akashi x Reader kind of thing?

Obviously good or you wouldn't have read it! Just kidding I don't know if it was that good.

Well I hope you enjoyed it! And I'll probably update sometime during the week so yeah please be patient because I might be busy.

So yeah have a great day! Bye!


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