chapter eighteen.

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"What.. What are you doing here John?"

"Sebby, Chrissy. I haven't seen y'all since the party."

"You sunavabitch!"

Sebastian ran and pounced on John and was just about to punch the shit out of him when Chris yelled, "No! Babe!" Sebastian looked back, his fist in mid air, and he teeth grinds as he wants to so desperately punch the shit out of him. Chris eased Sebastian off of John and the two backed off of him.

"You have better start talking now before I get RDJ here, and he's more of a punch now and talk later person.." Sebastian said. John rubbed his throat as he attempted to regain his breathing.

"I'm being honest I thought y'all partied like me and Chris use to do back in the day!" John exclaimed as he sat up.

"You don't give ecstasy to recovered drug addicts!" Sebastian yelled with even more rage.

"Before we even start, are you two dating? You a fag cousin???" John asked and Sebastian screamed but Chris once again intervened and prevented Sebastian from ripping off his head.

"Yes.. I'm a fag, John. I haven't told anyone so if you care to keep your mouth shut then things will be good?" Chris answered.

"Told parents??" John asked.

"How about answering our question? Why the fuck are you here??" Sebastian said pacing back and forth.

"I didn't get an invitation to the wedding.." John answered.

"MY Cousin does not want to be anywhere near you! She knows that you did drug me and RDJ! What makes you think—" John interrupted him.

"Well simple, I get an invite to the wedding and I will back off, but I was approached by some people and I just think it's best if I am there.." John said. Chris and Sebastian, being alarmed looked at him.

"What are they paying you??" Chris asked.

"No one is paying me anything..." John said, which was a lie.

"Then what is so important that you should be at my cousins wedding??" Sebastian asked.

"A lot of people are going to be at that wedding. I'm just saying.. people are going to out a few people so like I said it's best if Im there.." John got up and he grabbed his keys, he scratched Dodger's head and looked at the two.

"I expect my invite tomorrow, and Chris.. you can do better." John left with that insult and once Chris was satisfied he heard John's Camaro rev up and leave the driveway he looked at Sebastian.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"Not really, we were just visibly threatened, insulted and just plain lied to. What the fuck are you going to do?" Seb asked, putting his hand on his hip while the other used hand air movements.

"Look.. I haven't came out to my parents babe. I only came out to the group, the people we can trust.. but you need to understand I am not ready for the whole entire world to see me gay.." Chris said. He approached Seb and wrapped his arms around Seb's chest. Chris kissed Seb on the neck lightly and Seb finally caved in and hugged back.

"It's her wedding.. I'm not going to let anyone ruin her day.." Seb murmured into Chris's ear. Chris nodded his head and pulled back.

"I do.. love you. But.. this life, I am blessed every day to have it but sometimes I wish I was just ordinary. I wish right now I would be in like a nice little three bedroom in my hometown. Working at the high school I went to as a Geography teacher or something! Just have a nice and boring life! Not having to worry about paparazzi or what kind of clothes to wear out in public. Not having to worry about... coming out to the world." Chris said. He sat down on the couch and he ran a hand through his hair, a couple of tears started falling and Sebastian looked at his boyfriend. Sebastian took into consideration that Chris had built stability around being an actor. If he came out gay it could go two ways, either he stops getting a movie deal, or Hollywood embraces him. It was fucking scary, Sebastian didn't have to worry about that because he had played gay roles before so the majority of his fans had speculated that he was gay, or at-least bi sexual. Even in interviews, bloggers and reports would often mention to him that his fans would write stories about him being gay (Fourth Wall Broken) It made Sebastian laugh because it was cute but little did they knew that it was totally true.

Sebastian sat down on the couch with him and hugged Chris. Of course it did hurt Sebastian, he wanted both of them to come out and be accepted into the world. It was more like a fairytale if that ever came true! But a relationship is always one hundred, not fifty fifty. You give each other one hundred and nothing can go wrong.

"I love you too.." Sebastian said as he kissed Chris. Sebastian pulled away and rubbed Chris's back as Chris continued to cry into his arms.

"Everything will be okay baby.. I promise."



"Yessss Dom?"

"Is it just me or am I growing?"

Chris looked up from working on the playlist Dom asked for help on. Dom lifted up her shirt and Chris raised his eyebrows at her. She always had a little bit of a stomach but Chris knew pregnant women, depending on their figure, don't really start showing until sometimes into their second trimester.

"Not yet.. besides aren't you barely ten weeks?" Chris asked.

"When we come back it will be ten!" She said, she had done the math in her head and she had counted eight, the two were going on a two week honeymoon/vacation to the Princeville Resort in Kauai, Hawaii. It  was something Dominic was definitely looking forward to.

"Patience grasshopper.. I know your eager to see the ultrasound and believe me, Seb is too." Chris answered as he looked for more music.

"Do you think I am going to be a great mom?" Dom asked and Chris looked back at her, with a big smile on his face, he answered her, "Of course.."

"I need to stop worrying.. Oh my, look at the time. You have the brunch with the boys!" Chris looked at the clock that read, 10:32 AM. Chris closed the laptop and he quickly grabbed his keys.

"I'll be here still if you can tell RDJ that the wedding planner wants a final sign off from him today at four p.m." Dom said and Chris nodded and gave her a hug. He exited the Downey household and Dom sighed. She walked back to the kitchen and sat down on a barstool and opened the laptop and scrolled through the music selections.


"Oh finally Evans, now we can eat."

RDJ said as Chris entered the private dining area at the Cast Restaurant & Lounge. Chris took the empty seat next to Sebastian and RDJ. "Sorry, was helping your fiancé with music selections." Chris said as he sipped on his sweet tea that Sebastian ordered for him.

"That's a Long Island." Chris said as he felt alcohol come down his throat.

"Anthony insisted.." Seb said and Anthony laughed, Chris rolled his eyes and he used chop sticks to grab some sushi rolls from the trays in the middle of the table. Pratt, Chris, Seb, RDJ, Tom, Anthony, Mark, Benedict, all continued to eat. All discussing about random things, RDJ asked Benedict if Tom Hiddleston and Hemsworth were going to come, to which Benedict had answered that they would be joining the reception as they would be landing when Dom and RDJ would be saying there vows. The brunch was going smooth until RDJ had clinked his glass. They all looked up as RDJ pulled a large black bag he had kept hidden from his seat.

"I'd like everyone to raise there glass." RDJ smiled as they all looked at him."These last years, it has been such a ride. Marvel has really brought us together and every day I am thankful for that, I want you all to know that the situation that happened was no ones fault but my own. Obviously God wanted me to still continue to live my life and I have decided to do just that. I am just am really happy to see all of you guys grow... Salud, Mi Familia." Robert said.

"Salud.." The guys said and they drank their beverages.

"To show my appreciation.. here is something to replace those dreadful apple watches you guys have.." Robert said. He pulled out a box, "Ruffalo!" He said while throwing the box and Mark caught it. He each threw a box to everyone of his friends and they all opened their gifts to reveal personalized Rolex watches with their last names engraved in the back of the watches.

"This is badass!" Pratt said as he admired his watch, which was a maroon and black one with diamonds engraved. Robert smiled as he saw all of their reactions, whether you believed it or not, he was really happy that he lived to see this moment.

Selfish *a EvanStan fic* Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu