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When his eyes opened again, it was dark. Night had settled upon them yet the rain continued to pound at the ground while thunder screeched over the land. The strength of the wind had increased immensely. Several trees had already fallen to the ground in heaps while a few, incredibly thick trunks remained upright but swayed nonetheless, a couple more bleed away from collapsing.

Chaeryeong slept at the corner of the cave, her knees pulled up to her chest while her head rested between them, making a circle out of her body, much like how a snake slept. Beside him, Ryujin had slipped off of his shoulder to rest her head on his lap, her while body pulled towards him to steal as much body heat off of him as she could. However, to his left the area was vacant. Yeji was gone.

With the dust in the air long gone and replaced with the darkness of the night, Luke couldn't make out anything but the shadows of trees. The moon was covered by the heavy clouds, leaving no light to guide them through the night. But somewhere deep in the forest, Luke swore he saw a light skin over the trees.

He knew better than to search, than to go exploring when they were in such a dire situation but his curiosity got the better of him. He just need to leave and see who that was.

Using his bag as a pillow for Ryujin's head, he left his spot in the cave and went out. He ventured over the fallen trees and through what was left of the forest which cut off the impact of the wind. He would have been able to successfully sneak over to the source of light if it wasn't for a trunk he hadn't even noticed tripping him up.

The light shone on his bruised, fallen over body. He glanced up, using his hand to shield his eyes from the light.

"What are you doing out here?" Yeji snarled, shining her torch elsewhere so Luke could look at her properly.

"I could ask you the same thing," he picked himself up. "I thought something happened to you."

She cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Did you see them too?"

"The lizard lady and Tinsel?"

"I'm going to take that as a yes then."

"You were awake?"

"I never went to sleep. I couldn't. I was going to complain about you and Ryujin being so loud when I saw them. They were looking at us."

"I fell asleep immediately after seeing them. What happened?"

"I don't know. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. When I opened my eyes again, they were gone. They purposely left us alone."

"I doubt they left us alone. That's what they want us to believe. All of this Tinsel stirred up to get back at us. Why would he leave us just like that when he had the perfect chance to attack? He's trying to mess with us. I know it."

Yeji narrowed her eyes at him as if trying to read him.

"You've seen that lizard lady before," she uttered. It was a statement, not a question.

"In a dream."

"What did she say? Or do?"

"Nothing much."

"Luke, our lives could depend on what that lizard thing said in your dream. Tinsel works in many, mysterious ways. Tell me what she said."

He sighed, giving Yeji an uncertain look.

"It was a bit after I arrived. My first encounter with Tinsel, I think it was. The first dream he ever gave me. She said that she wouldn't kill me... But you guys will."

"Then Chaeryeong bit you," she added, her voice drifting off.

"How did you know?"

"I've seen it before. Somewhere but not in a dream... You need to be careful, Luke. I don't have that much trust in Tinsel but I have a feeling he might be right about that. We might be the cause of your death. Be careful of us." She glanced back in the direction of the cave. "Especially Chaeryeong."

Her words echoed through his head as if his mind kept on pushing the 'replay' button. The night grew darker as the hours flew by. Luke and Yeji sat on a trunk, talking about all the things they saw, heard, or anything that had to do with Tinsel.

"We should head back now," Luke mentioned. "Before Tinsel and that lizard lady get back. The last thing I want is for them to arrive when we are split up."

"Too late for that," the unmistakable New Jersey accent echoed through the air. Luke groaned quietly before turning to her. Her scaly skin reflected off the light of Yeji's torch and the hideous grin that adorned her face made Luke feel sick. "And for your information, this lizard lady's name is Eve."

The Outskirts (ITZY Shin Ryujin)Where stories live. Discover now