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"You told him?" Ryujin screamed when she finally found Tinsel after hours of searching.

It had been a couple of days since she had her little talk with Luke. Much like before, she tried to ignore her siren side and he noticed by never said a word. It was only when he watched her skin progressively turn scaly that he forced her to find him, concerned. She, obviously, refused at first but obliged soon after she saw the scales on her shoulder and the pitch black orbs in the place of her eyes.

Setting off to find the other siren after dinner, she got Luke to promise to cover for her. Although she knew he wouldn't be the best, him blabbering would consume enough time for her to leave and make it back before anyone gets too suspicious.

"Hello to you too, I guess. And I'm fine, thanks for asking," Tinsel beamed at her. He sat on a pavement just outside a local drugstore, a black hood over his face and a bright blue plastic bag by his side as he whistled a familiar tune into the air.

Behind the shadow made by his hood, Ryujin could barely make out his eyes. So dark, mysterious and evil. No wonder sirens only ventured out at nighttime. It's where they belonged.

His smile, to anyone else, would have looked sweet and charming but she knew better. She knew what was hidden behind it. She's seen the boy at his darkest, evilest and he's done the same for her.

She glowered at him slightly.

"Don't mess with me. This is my issue, Tinsel, not his. Not theirs. Not yours. It's mine and I'll choose who I want to tell."

"I know," he stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared back at the moonlight. "I had no right to speak, I understand that. But listen, my dear Ryujin, was I really wrong to do so? All I wanted was for you to pay me a visit and all thanks to your lover boy, you finally have." He stood up, towering over her as he turned his gaze back to her. "Now I finally have you where I wanted you."

"Don't touch me, Tinsel," she spat out. "And don't you dare look at me like that!"

He cocked an eyebrow as his smile turned to a smirk.

"Like what?"

"You're judging me. I know you are."

"Not judging, I'm just surprised. How did you get some measly boy to make such an impact on you in such a short period of time? Impresses me, honestly, how weak you are."

She glared hard at him.

"Call me weak again and I'll slit your throat."

A daring smile bloomed on his face, one that made her want to slap it off his face immediately. She took a step closer to him just as he did the same to her. Soon they were only inches apart.

Ryujin noted how his eyes were nothing but black holes, pulling her in despite her knowing the dangers. Their endlessness made her realise that there was much more hidden behind them than she'd ever know.

He stared at her so intensely she felt as though a laser beam would escape his eyes and pierce her. However, knowing the consequences, she continued to admire the siren's features. His brown, curly locks looked so soft and silky and his skin seemed so smooth. Subconsciously, she extended out a hand to touch him but quickly retreated when she realised what has happening. He was using his alluring siren powers on her.

Narrowing her eyes, she took a couple step backs.

"Why are you doing this?" She growled, looking anywhere but his eyes.

He shrugged.

"Doing what?"

"Trying to get rid of every siren to exist?"

The Outskirts (ITZY Shin Ryujin)Where stories live. Discover now