"I, uh, I'm y/n l/n. I'm working with SHIELD at the moment. Why? It's...complicated," you explain.

"How soon until you pull the plug?" Fury asks.

"The Tesseract is an energy source," you remind Fury. "Unplugging it won't do anything."

"Precisely," Selvig agrees. "If she reaches peak level..."

"We've prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space."

"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing odd interference, radiation." Upon noticing Fury's concerned look, Selvig adds, "Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation."

You smirk. "Last time someone said that, things got dangerous pretty fast," you say, subtly referencing Bruce Banner's gamma ray studies that turned him into the Hulk.

"Where's Barton?"

"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual," Selvig said as he jerked his head up toward where Clint Barton is perched.

Fury taps his ear piece. "Agent Barton, report." In no time at all, Clint joins you and Fury. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."

"Well, I see better from a distance," Clint says. You smile at the iconic line. You glance around, wondering what to do when someone shows up uninvited.

"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?" Fury asks. In the background, you hear NASA scientists frantically trying to solve their problem.

"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"At this end?"

"Yeah, the Cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? Doors open from both sides."

Fury turns to you. "Just like you revealed."

Clint looks at you with slight confusion. "And who are you?"

"Y/n l/n, it's been a weird month, I'm working with SHIELD right now because of my...abilities."

"She's a psychic, and not a crack pot one," Fury explains in a hushed voice. "Crazy, but I have no other explanation for how she does it."

"Well then," Clint says with mild shock. "So what do you know about this?"

"Not much," you lie. "I keep getting visions of something, or someone, far away from this planet. Then it cuts to the Tesseract, and some ancient religion."

"That's very explicit."

"It's the best ESP I've seen, Agent Barton."

Suddenly, the building is shaking. You stumble as you turn to the Tesseract, seeing it glow brighter until it emits a beam of bright blue energy. The energy forms a worm hole to the ends of space. You begin to panic, knowing full well who is about to come to your planet. Gusts of energy knock everyone in the room back, suddenly soaring to the ceiling.

A man steps onto the platform, man, clad in gold, green, and black leather, grinning, holding a powerful scepter. Loki Laufeyson. The grin soon disappears as he takes in his surroundings.

"Sir please put down the spear!" Fury shouts at him.

Loki looks at the scepter, and uses it to shoot blue energy at Fury, you in the firing zone. Clint tackles you and Fury to the floor, barely missing the blast. Everyone with a gun shoots at Loki, but bullets can't pierce through his Jotun body. Loki kills or disables anyone who attacks with ease. Fury covers you with his body.

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