Chapter 4

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👽 Chapter 4 👽


If I managed to get through that terribly embarrassing experience with those boys I could definitely... well most likely get through an interview with some other boy group.

I shuffled through the employee entrances for everything, showing security my ID card all the while.

By the time I got to one of our "lounges" which were constructed for this exact purpose, i took a deep breath and wiggled the door handle of room 507 until it opened.

I walked in and didn't know whether to gasp or cry. None of them were facing me, but the boy that I had basically bulldozed into, was standing talking to Elaine with his small possy of three.

Not only were they all good-looking, but I was mortified at what had taken place only moments ago.

As I stood there like an idiot with my mouth gaped open, one of the boys turned around for one reason or the other.

For a split second, he looked as shocked as I was and then he was pleased. He winked, and turned back around, nudging his friend with the colored hair.

I was nervous at the thought of them talking about me. Before I could go into depth of worrying, Haley tapped me on the shoulder.

I spun around and faced her.

"Yes?" I asked, practically biting my fingernails.

"Well, I... Hmm," she scratched her head, looking confused. There was no way that this could be a good sign.

"I don't know how to put this in an easy way but... Well, Jordan's team is back from another promotional event. He's fired up and ready to go, and well... Experienced," She explained with sorrow in her voice. I already knew what would happen. Of course this was a big interview, and I completely understood that. They didn't want an amateur to take it over, but it was their last choice. Now that somebody better than me was here, obviously it would be taken away from me. I couldn't believe how stupid I had been to believe that I would actually get the chance to do this. I finally spoke up.

"Oh," I mumbled looking at my feet.

The interview was gone, all because of Jordan needing to snag every job humanly possible. What an absolute dick! He was great at what he did of course, but why couldn't have he just gone home? Taken a breather for the rest of his Monday? I mean, did'nt he understand what today meant to me? My anger was boiling, and I was sure by this point I must have been turning red.


"No," I interrupted haley, trying my best not to sound scornful. "I already know what you're going to say, and... I... I understand."

I forcefully had to choke out those last words as I became infuriated even more.

I scooped up my handbag and a couple of my papers fell. I didn't bother to pick them up. I tilted my head slightly upward, trying to prove that this didn't put a damper on my day whatsoever.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Haley. Thank you," I said in my best professional tone.

I walked out with my complete bullshit act of confidence until I reached the hallway.

I slumped down and put my head in my knees. I put all of this effort in, and nothing was ever reciprocated. I sat in defeat, not caring about the rest of my day.


"Guys," Calum mumbled, "She's there! Clumsy cute girl! The one who basically tackled luke!"

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