o. hero's sacrifice

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zero, prologue
hero's sacrifice


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THE AVENGERS WERE FIGHTING AN UPHILL BATTLE. The universe's greatest weapon, the completed infinity gauntlet, had fallen into the hands of the mad titan, and now, they were left to make their last-ditch efforts to stop him, before every living creature suffers the cost. Analisa Morgan had been tainted by the knowledge of what weight her actions bear, and the spark of desperation in which had once been within her had morphed into a burning inferno. Upon uplifting her gaze from the cold, hard ground she had collapsed onto prior, she witnesses as Carol Danvers gets blasted away from Thanos using the energy of the power stone, and it is then Analisa realises, that is her final chance to stand up and fight.

Wiping away both fresh and old blood that had stained the area beneath her nose, the woman pushes herself upward with the little physical energy that had yet to flee her body, and stands upon shaking legs. After cracking her knuckles in preparation, as if it was a timed dance, her arms outstretch toward the mad titan just as he moves to put the power stone back in its place, and restore the gauntlet to its most powerful state. Conjuring dark energy from another, more evil dimension to do so, Analisa creates a darkly-coloured barrier between the stone and his gauntlet, preventing him from completing the fatal action.

Peering upward to view whoever would dare oppose him, a small, yet sinister smirk playing upon his lips as he recognises her as one of the earth's defenders that had fought vigilantly to stop the attack on New York, in which he had secretly been the puppet master of. "I see that you've grown in power," his voice alone is enough to send chills tip-toeing down the spine of the hero, yet, she refuses to let this fear of the mad titan show. Without uttering a singular word more, Thanos channels the energy of the stone already within his hand, sending a continuous, powerful blast directly at Analisa.

She immediately forms a protective barrier against what could be a potentially fatal blast, skidding back ever so slightly at the abrupt impact of the ray of purple. Regaining her composure, Analisa pushes back against the might of the mad titan, and, with the energy of the dark dimension fueling her, she manages to take a step closer to the purple creature, which is followed by many more. Even if it utterly exhausts her, and pushes upon each and every boundary of, she continues to do exactly so, in disregard to how blood was not only falling from her nose, but her ears and eyes also.

And, for one moment, a mere second, a sense of hope that she could be winning floods the woman, as it appeared that the power stone's blast had flickered out, and Thanos' defences had fallen. Yet, this moment of idleness is costly to the hero, and the mad titan had not given up, but instead, had simply opted to switch out the purple stone for the red one; reality. The realisation of what was happening strikes Analisa with a force unlike any other, and, before she can so much as think to stop his attacks, she had lost the battle.

Tendrils formed from the once-solid burst up from beneath her, harshly wrapping around her body, the parts in were held within the tightest restraints being around the areas of weakness, such as her neck, wrists, ankles, and torso. She desperately attempts to fight off the attacks, but to little success, as she was both  too exhausted to fight back, knowing it was futile, and she caught off-guard. With only the tilt of Thanos' head, one final scream erupts from the raw throat of the woman, before the earthly bones tighten around her weak body, so much to the point it became agonising to breathe.

With hopelessness burning bright within her veins, realising that she was defeated, Analisa can't do anything other than watch as Thanos turns his attention away from her, and replaces the stone upon the infinity gauntlet. She can feel her heart utterly shatter as the mad titan appears seconds away from snapping, and this time, not killing half of life, but all humans.

Yet the dreaded moment does not come, as none other than Tony Stark, clad in his worn-down Iron Man armour, launches himself toward, grappling for the infinity gauntlet, a seemingly impossible task. And, once again, the mad titan prevails, and throws away earth's most well-known hero, as though he were nothing. With a haunting, victorious smirk once again taking its place upon his lips, he looks directly at the defeated hero, uttering a few final, harrowing words. "I am inevitable."

And then, he snaps. Yet, nothing happens. The mad titan's forehead creases with confusion as he turns to look upon the infinity gauntlet, his eyes glistening with obvious wonder. Turning over the metal glove, he comes to realise that the stones were no longer secure within their position, and, seeing only one possible reason for their disappearance, he looks back toward Tony Stark.

And there he stands, the worlds beloved Iron Man, the man who was once told he was not one to make the sacrifice play, with the infinity stones placed within his make-shift gauntlet. Blinding colours shoot out from the six stones and wrap around his arm, the power in which they withhold only slightly showing it's true nature. His breathing becomes of a heavier nature as his remaining strength dwindles due to his possession of such a raw, dangerous weapon, yet, he still manages to utter out a few words. "I... Am..."

Tony allows a momentary pause to wedge its way between his final words. His sullen eyes flicker over to meet the gaze of his close-by friend, Analisa, who had been watching the scene unfold, with a mix of both blood and tears cascading down her dirty cheeks, the woman cursed with the knowledge of what needed to happen, and that there was nothing she could do to save him. He offers her a tiny, barely noticeable smile, and, although this interaction may have only lasted a fraction of a second, to Analisa, it seemed to have been a lifetime. Tony Stark then turns back to face his greatest enemy, and finishes what he started, snapping his fingers once he had spoken. "Iron Man."



wow, this scene hurt
to write. i'm still not
over the death of tony
in even the slightest of
ways, as i will forever
love him with every
ounce of my soul (':

once again, please do
not be a ghost reader.
aside from that, i hope
that you enjoyed this
chapter, and that i'll
see you again in the
next one! 💛

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