"#1 of the Top 26 Billionaires under 26: Tyler Oakley", he read aloud, tracing his fingers on the silver lettering.

"He wants to bring one of you home after the shows. I was thinking it could be you?" she asked, putting the picture away.

Troyes face quickly turned from excitement to disgust as a wave of disapointment surged through him. He thought she would know better. "You know I was never into this, Zoe. It's like prostitution!" Troye exclaimed.

He was right. Before he joined the business. Zoe promised him that stripping and sexually teasing his clients is all he would have to do to get money. Sex was not part of the deal, and payment for sex is out of the picture completely. Although it would mean much more income, Troye had to hold onto the few principles he had left. Zoe always respected that quality of him so he was surprised at her suggestion. However, at his exclamation, she smirked with a knowing look.

"He's not paying you at all, sweetheart." She walked over and placed a hand on Troye's shoulder. "He's only paying for the show, not the 'after party'. And I'm assuming his payment of your little show would be more than your income for around five months working. Hes loaded. Anyway, its not prostitution if hes not giving you money for that part. You're free to go!"


"Mr Oakley just needs a companion, sexually or non sexually, I don't know. Can I trust you to satisfy him both ways?" she asked as Troye looked up at her.

"Why don't you do it?"
Zoe choked on her own breath, laughing.

"Well, one, I'm engaged-" She held up her left hand, showing Troye the ring on her finger. "-two, he's gay, and three, go have fun!"

Troye thought for a moment, thinking about the three points. The second one did make a lot of sense, and the last one as well. Ever since he started working at the strip club, the only sexual partner he actually had was his hand and a toy. It would be nice to have fun for once... And follow through with it. Finally, in a sigh of defeat, he nodded. Zoe brightened up, embracing Troye in a hug and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. As she did this, she tapped five fingers on his upper back as a signal for the time left till the show. Five minutes. She then exited the dressing room, leaving Troye to himself.

He took a look into the full length mirror behind the door. Tonight's costume was a police officer costume, one of his least favorites. It's just so cliche, with the handcuffs and stuff but he couldn't do anything about it. However much he didnt like it, there was no point in denying how hot he looked like this. He had a pair of black tight skinny jeans on with a light blue button up that matched his bright eyes. Customers always remarked on his eyes- they gave him the innocent look of a child which lots of people were into here. The sexy outfit was a total contrast to his young persona. There was a dark police officer coat over the shirt, unbuttoned. A pair of handcuffs, real silver ones, dangled from his belt. Troye wouldn't mind wearing an outfit like this, minus the handcuffs and badges on the coat, on a regular day. After putting some final touches onto his hair, he walked out of his dressing room confidently towards the entrance to the show-stage. The music resonated across the room and helped to hype him up for his upcoming performance. He internally reminded himself to make this dance extra slutty if he was going to come out of there with big money.

The strobe lights from the strip club shone past the thin black curtain into the backstage section where Troye was supposed to wait at, his knee keeping time with the heavy base music. He sat down on the black leather couch with a few female pole dancers, who were either busy on their phone or touching up their makeup. The performance on stage was going well, considering the loud applause ringing from the crowd. The previous 'performer' was a pole dancer. As she walked back in from the stage, Troye could see her holding a pretty thick wad of cash in her hands. There were also dollar bills slipped into her high black boots, peeking out through the leather material. Troye rolled his eyes as the group of dancers to his left started their gossip session.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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