The Beginning of their Love Story (Varia)

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Sanjana stared at all the girls who had surrounded Dev and were busy wistfully sighing at him. She turned to her friends.

"Those stupid girls need to realise that Dev will never be in a relationship," Sanjana said with an eye roll.

"I agree!" Raghav said with a jealous tone as he watched Dev place his both arms around two girls who were smirking at the other girls. "They need to adore me!"

Raghav has always been jealous of Dev but Dev was blind to see that jealousy.

"Shut up," Rishi glared at Raghav who quickly looked away.

"Kia," Sanjana shook her friend gently who was busy gawking at Dev.

"Hmm..." Kia hummed in response.

"Come with me," Sanjana said, taking her friend's hand and guiding her away.

"When are you going to tell him?" Sanjana raised her eyebrows. She knew Kia has had a crush on Dev since Dev and her became friends but Kia never confessed her feelings. Kia has always been a simple, shy girl who was very beautiful but Dev never noticed it.

"He's not interested in me Sanju," Kia sighed. "He's more into those girls like Kavya and Jenny. And maybe into girls like you, full of style and confidence."

"The girls who wear such disgusting clothes and are so annoying. Have you ever tried to tell him?" Sanju tried again. "There were some rumours about you and Dev as a couple."

"We are friends," Kia said stubbornly. "Nothing more."

"Whatever you say!" Sanju frowned. Kia can be so stubborn!


At chemistry class, Kia took her place between Dev and Sanju. All the girls were staring at her with envy.

"Good Morning Class!" Professor Sharma or Booodhe (old), was the nickname for the grumpy professor.

"Good Morning Sir," the class responded.

"Take out your assignments," he demanded and all the students quickly placed their assignments on their desks as the professor began to collect them.

"Shit, I didn't do my assignment," Dev said as he pretended to search his bag.

"Are you planning on failing this assignment again?" Kia said in disbelief.

"Array, the Boodha is coming in this direction," Dev said, panicking.

"You are repeating the year and you still don't improve," Sanju rolled her eyes but added, "Serves you right, you will get punished by the old man."

Kia and Sanju both chuckled. Dev tried to grab their assignments but both the girls wouldn't let him.

"Ah...Dev," Professor Sharma smirked as he collected Sanju's and Kia's assignments. "If it isn't my favourite student. So son, did you do your assignment?"

Dev opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"You don't need to speak son," Professor Sharma continued to speak." This is your classroom only, it doesn't matter if you don't give it now."

Rishi felt sorry for Dev so he ducked under the table and threw his assignment in a way that it touches Dev's legs and fell near his feet. Dev looked down and then noticed Rishi giving him signals to submit his assignment.

"Here's my assignment sir," Dev said as he picked up the assignment and handed to the professor.

Professor Sharma's eyes widened as he checked the assignment. Dev studided and actually did the assignment. He moved on to collect other students work.

Love (One Shots)✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin