Chapter One

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Once Captain America and Peter arrived at the lobby of the tower, Peter finally looked up at everything around him

His eyes glowed with enthusiasm as he looked at all the tech surrounding him.

He loved everything about technology, and was smart for his age.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Captain asked, looking at the boy next to him.

The eleven-year-old nodded, still shocked that he was standing infront of one of his idols, and that he was about to meet the avengers.

"Excited to meet the others?" Steve asked.

"Yes!" Peter said.

Steve smiled at him and walked, with the kid next to him, to the elevator.

"Welcome back, Captain. Should I inform the others of your arrival?" A voice came from the ceiling.

"Yes please, Friday. And take us to the penthouse." Steve responded.

The elevator started rising up to the penthouse.

"Who was that?" Peter asked.

"That was Friday, an A.I that Tony programmed to help people around the tower. She controls the whole building." Steve answered.

"Wow." Peter breathed out, causing the captain to chuckle.

Once they reached their destination, the doors opened to reveal the team of super heroes standing in the sitting room, talking.

The first one to notice the duo arrival was Natasha.

"Hey, Cap. Who's the kid?" She asked, looking at the boy next to Steve.

Peter looked at the red-head infront of him.

"My name is Peter Parker." He answered.

"So this is the kid you were telling me about?" Tony asked, taking a few steps forward to get a better look at the little kid.

Peter had a few cuts and bruises on his body, but nothing very serious.

"Cap, you know we can't keep him with us, right?" Tony said.

Peter's smile dropped, and Bruce noticed that.

"Guys, I think it would be better if we don't speak about this infront of the kid." The scientist interfered, before an argument between the two would start.

"You're right. I'll go and take care of him, and we'll talk about it later." Steve said, walking away from the group, holding Peter's hand.

He walked to one of the, many, guests rooms in the huge penthouse.

"I'll go get the first aid kit, and try to find some new clothes for you, ok? Just stay right there, I'll be back in a few minutes." Steve ordered the boy, before walking out of room.

That left Peter alone in the big room.

He obeyed the captain and stayed on the bed.

After about one minute the door opened, but it wasn't captain america, it was Tony.

"Hey, kid. How are you?" Tony asked, kneeling infront of Peter.

"Good." Peter responded, politely.

Tony smiled, he felt a bang of emotions, something he had never felt before towards anyone. But he couldn't tell what it was, but it made him feel better.

"What is going to happen to me?" Peter asked, frowning.

Tony wasn't expecting that question, and he didn't know what to say.

"I...I don't know, buddy." He finally said, after a couple of moment of silence.

He looked at the kid infront of him, and made a choice.

The door opened and Steve walked in with the first aid kit and some clothes.

"Oh, hey, Tony. I didn't know you were here." Steve said, setting the stuff on the bed.

"I just came to check on Peter." He said, standing up. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Steve nodded and walked outside the room with Tony.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Let's keep him." Tony said.

"I'm sorry. What did you just say?"

Tony rolled his eyes, he knew that cap was messing with him.

"I said, let's keep him." He repeated.

Steve smirked, "And why did you change your mind?"

"I, honestely, don't know. But I feel like that kid is special, and he's very innocent. Even though I just met him, I already have a soft spot for him."

Steve was shocked, he had never seen that side of Tony.

"Sure, I don't have a problem, but you have to inform the rest of the team."

"Yeah, sure. I'll take care of him, you go inform the team." Tony said, walking back into the room.

"Hey, kiddo. I have a question for you." Tony said, he obviously had to tell the kid.

"Yeah?" Peter responded, innocently.

"Would you like to stay here with us, at the tower, with the the Avengers?"

Peter's face lit up with joy, even though he didn't fully understand what the man infront of him had just said. But he agreed.

"Yes! That would be so cool!" He exclaimed, excitedly.

Tony smiled at him, before sitting next to him to clean the cuts on his body.

After he bandaged up the kid and helped him put on some new clothes, they walked over to the kitchen. Peter sat on one of the stools and Tony opened the fridge.

"You must be hungry, what do you want to eat?" Tony asked.

"Pizza!" Peter said.

At that moment the other heroes walked in.

"What are you doing, man of iron?" Thor asked Tony.

"We're ordering some pizza, does anyone want anything to eat?" Tony asked, picking up the phone and dialing to order.

Everyone ordered a pizza, and then they sat in the living room, waiting for their food to arrive.

The Avengers got to know the kid better, and everyone loved him. They could totally live with him. He was so polite and sweet.

After 20 minutes of chatting, the pizza arrived. Everybody ate their pizza, and they continued to talk.

But they were soon cut off by someone coming into the room.

It was Pepper. She was walking with a Stark pad in her hand, typing something. She didn't notice the new person in the tower.

"Hey, Tony, I was calling you, but you weren't answering. Is everything-" she looked up to see the group of earth's mightiest heroes, eating pizza with a kid.

"Oh hey, Pep. Sorry I didn't answer your calls, I was a bit busy." Tony said, standing up and walking over to the love of his life.

Pepper still didn't understand what was going on so she asked Tony, "Who is the kid?"

"This is Peter, we found him under some rubble from the battle . He has no family left, so we decided to keep him." He explained to her.

"And are you sure that you could take care of him? Raising a child isn't all fun and games." She said.

"Yeah, of course, I know. But, we are a team here, and I'm sure we can help each other."

"Ok, as you wish. I will get the necessary papers ready." She said, and walked away.

Tony returned to his seat and everybody continued eating and having fun.

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