Chapter 18: Insane

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"Do you want me to bite you?" I asked menacingly, not quite understanding what he was going about but still the idea of biting him was quite appealing.

"If you want you can. But not the neck. You can bite my arm." He said, showing me his arm. I still felt disoriented with my dark thoughts and Vincent's lack of logic.

I decided to bite his arm, just because I was irritated.

"Oh my god! Are you sure you are not a vampire!" Vincent screamed, squirming around and then howling loudly. A slow smirk formed on my lips as I bit hard enough to bleed. The moment I tasted blood in my mouth, I pulled back. Vincent stared at the bite mark in horror as I looked pleased at it.

"My god! I probably need a tetanus shot!" He said as he stared at the wound.

"Where else do you want me to bite you?" I asked him and he backed away a bit.

"Hey, only one werewolf bite is enough for conversion." He said and I sighed. That shit about werewolves again! Who believes such nonsense?

"Come here." I pulled him closer and slapped a handcuff on his hand and linked with mine. Actually, I usually wear a band around my hand that could easily turn to a handcuff when I need it. The stuff I wear on my neck and hands are almost always weapons that I could use when needed.

"Huh? Why a handcuff?" He demanded.

"So that you don't leave." I told him calmly and he sighed loudly.

"I am not going to leave in the middle of our role play." He said in a peeved voice and I stared at him.

"" I asked curiously.

"Y-yeah?" He asked me back curiously and my face flushed as I realized I used to pull him out of class during nap time in Kindergarten and I was always playing stupid role plays of cartoon characters or animals with Vincent. Now that I think about it, he always seamlessly went along with whatever lines I said.

"So should I also howl at the moon or something during the conversion process?" He asked me nervously and I barked out laughing. He still thinks that I like childhood role play games. Well, I would always be interested in role playing of a different kind but I doubt he would be ready for it.

"W-why are you laughing? Be serious. You are spoiling my sleep here." He said with a pout.

"You are so weird." I murmured thinking I wanted to give up on trying to figure him out.

"Says the weirder one who likes to sleep out in the rain." He said with a huff.

"So, how does this role play end?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"How about we both go to sleep inside the house where normal people sleep?" He asked me and I stared at him thinking I would probably sleep walk if I sleep.

"I am not going back into the house." I told him and he sighed loudly.

"But I will catch a cold if I am outside." He told me and I was surprised that I actually cared.

"I will go inside and wait until you dress up properly and come out to stay with me. In exchange, you let me sleep on your lap and stay on guard throughout the night. No sleep for you." I told him. Vincent looked at me weirdly.

"Okay." He told me and I blinked. Is he serious? Haah! Didn't he realize I said that only as an excuse to not go back? Since he agreed to a ridiculous proposal, I found myself agreeing to go back inside with him.

I waited only until he changed clothes and came out dressed in a thick waterproof winter coat and pants and a scarf around his face. I chuckled at seeing him so dressed up. He looked like he was going to climb the Everest from the way he was dressed. We walked back again to the tree and I thought my guards even looked at us like we were crazy since we kept going and coming back to the house in the middle of a rainy night. I ignored it though as we walked back to the tree and I rested my head on Vincent's lap. I kept looking up at him in amusement since he still seemed to be shivering.

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