Interview with Luc and Vince

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AN: Ignore this part and continue to next chapter if you are not into fillers. But this filler will let you know a bit more about Vince and Luc. It won't harm to give it a read I think. Oh, by the way, in the interview the person named Ash is me..hehe. So don't go like who is that now?


Ash: Thank you everyone for bearing with me so far. As promised, I am holding an interview with the characters of CCH for whom you've given me some questions. I am sooo sorry about the delay in updating my book. Somehow, I just can't get into the routine of writing after a long break. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this little interview session I am holding with Vince and Luc. They should be here any time now. I've made my living room into my interview area.

*Shows around the living room having a cushioned sofa that could accommodate three people and a separate seat for the interviewer*

Ash: I'll keep it simple this time. Vince is nervous anyway when it comes to cameras. Oh yeah! Someone's ringing the bell. Let me go and check!

*Rushes out and opens the door in the main hallway entrance to show Vincent wearing a maroon sweater and black jeans*

Ash: Hey Vince, thanks for coming honey * kisses on his cheek*

Vince: *Laughs nervously* Well, yeah..I couldn't miss something you are doing for your fans.

Ash: How sweet of you. Where's Luc? * Looks around*

Vince: *gives a surprised look* Luc is also going to be here? *Asks anxiously*

Ash: Yeah. He is supposed to be here too and I need to start the interview soon. Did you see him before you came here?

Vince: *Shakes his head* I don't know. I haven't seen him for sometime now.

Ash: Come in Vince! Take a seat and let me call Luc again. *Directs Vince to the sofa where he sits very stiffly staring at the camera*.

Vince: Ash, wait! How many people are going to watch us?

Ash: fans probably. Wait just a second Vince. Let me call Luc first. * Rushes out to the hallway, calling Luc and the phone goes busy*

Ash: Honestly, this grr..*Quickly sends a warning message to Luc which shows the double tick sign*.

Ash: Now let's see what he does *Smirk*

Ten minutes later the door bell rings furiously.

Ash: See what I mean. He's here. * Grin broadly while opening the door to show Luc wearing a long sleeved black sweater and black jeans*.

Ash: Hey Luc. Glad you could make it. You are looking fine.

Luc: *Scowls and snaps* Don't give me that shit after sending me something like this, you deranged witch!

Ash: *Looks innocently at the message Luc showed on his phone that read "I've finally figured what I would write in my next chapter of CCH. You are going to wear a tutu skirt and show your skills as a ballerina in the next chapter, Luc."*

Ash : * Gives an innocent look* What? With your blonde hair and purple eyes you could give Tinkerbell a run for her money. I think my readers would love to know you could even do ballet. I mean I can just give you that skill. They all know you are multi-talented. Just imagine! Instead of chopping wood when you are angry you could be doing pirouettes and those turns in the air that ballet dancers do.

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