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"Come through to the office for a minute. Steve, cover the bar." She bellowed, lifting up the divider and letting Lara through.

The office appeared to the untrained eye as a complete mess but Steph was very proud of her unorganised system.

"Right, sorry, so one night ages ago Danny came in, got hammered and started crying!"

"She what?"

"I know! So Alice did her thing and next minute, Rachel's in the bar. They ended up staying over, anyway, long story short; Alice gave Danny a ring of hers the following morning and told her she was to give it to Rachel when the time was right."

"That's sweet but did she even know Rachel?"

"No! You know what she's like. Was like. If she took a shine to you that was it, you were hers. If she didn't like you, god help you! Apparently the morning after they stayed, Danny told Alice she was in love with Rachel.

"No way. Like she actually said the words 'I love Rachel' did she?"

"I don't know! I only have what Alice told me but if she did say it, that's huge!!"

"Not now. Danny told Rachel to go when she found out she wanted to get preggers."

"Yeah she told me that."

"So now she's fucking Alex again!"

"I know but what about Alex's girlfriend? They weren't exactly sly in here the other night, you've seen Dan when she's drunk."

"I don't know what's going to happen with Alex and Maria. I'm pretty sure Danny has no idea who she's screwing at the moment."

"Whatever it takes to make the pain go away, we've all been there."

"It's going to take Rachel to do that. I just need to work out a way to get them back in the same  room and actually listen to each other."

"You know if that doesn't work we may never get Danny back and I don't know about you but I miss her. Drunk Danny's an idiot."

Lara felt the alcohol warm her during the walk back to the house, the street lights illuminated her way home as cars sped past while she thought about what she would say to Danny.

Smelling the food in the kitchen before entering, she was pleased she'd soon have something to soak up the strong drink from earlier.

"Where is she?"

"She's in the basement." Alex answered, her head firmly in the cookbook.

Lara made sure she walked sensibly down the stairs knowing she didn't have full control over her limbs. Knocking on the door loudly so as to be heard over the music, she waited patiently for the door to be unlocked.

Danny's face was solemn and sad, Lara struggled to remember the last time she saw her smile and figured it must've been Maria's party months ago.

"Hey, can I come in and have a word." She asked tentatively.

There was no reply but the door opened and Lara took the hint, she noticed how different it looked, there were no photographs drying and there seemed to be nothing else in the room apart from crap and a locked box.

"What on earth have you been doing in here?"

"Nothing. Hiding away from the world." She suckled at her bottle of JD.

"Well that's what I'm here to talk to you about actually."

"Oh good, that's just what I need, another heart to heart. She's dead. Gone. Worm food. I don't need to talk about it anymore, I just need to be alone, thank you kindly."

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