[7] Healthy Ditching

Start from the beginning

Hmm. I wonder... oh well. Mrs. Hammond nodded. Eden groaned internally, but couldn't find it in herself to be upset. There he was again, dazzling people. She knew what Bella meant now, how he had such an effect on other people. Other women, namely. An ugly emotion shot through her, but Eden pushed it away easily. It wasn't like he was hers, he could talk to other girls and dazzle them and make them feel like they had a chance. Yeah.

"I'll go get you some ice for your forehead, dear," Mrs. Hammond told Eden, before bustling out of the room.

Edward turned to face Eden, having easily heard her thoughts. "There's no reason to be jealous, Eden. My, er- talents with other people are only for show. You have my heart," he winked casually, but she didn't have to be a mind reader to hear that he meant it. Still, she pushed it off.

"Cute, Cullen. And you were right, you know." 

"I usually am," he responded, keeping the amusement in his voice. "Like I told you, ditching is healthy. I was worried for a little bit- when I couldn't make out your thoughts and I was left to watch Newton drag you and Bella into the woods to be buried. Winnie could have been the accomplice, yeah? Your thoughts can be quite interesting when you aren't trying to hide them."

Eden tilted her head curiously. "I suppose the same can be said for everyone though. The thoughts thing, not the burying."

Edward flicked her. "Seriously though, I've seen corpses with better colours. I would've 100% been on board to avenge your murder, you know."

"Thanks. I think," she responded, sarcastically, slapping away his hand from flicking her again. She looked down for a second. "I missed you, Edward." 

"It's a given, with how beastly I am."

"And modest, from the sound of it," Eden laughed softly, as Mrs. Hammond returned back with an ice pack. She laid it across the girl's forehead, holding up for a few moments before giving it to her.

"You're looking better, dear," the nurse said, smiling, and for a moment her wrinkled hands fluttered towards the girl, as if going to put the ice pack on her forehead again, but was interrupted by the door leading to the office opening, and Mrs. Cope leaning into the doorway. 

The lady gave an apologetic smile. "We've got another one."

Mike stumbled through the door, his arms wrapped around a larger boy, and Eden quickly jumped up to give him space. She felt much better, but the smell of blood hung strong in the air, and Eden didn't want nausea to come back. She gave the ice pack back to Mrs. Hammond, not pausing as she slipped past Lee Stevens, and Edward followed shortly after. Still, as she passed, she didn't miss Mike's thoughts.

I don't like the look of them together... he looks at her like's she something to eat. And the fact that he was giving a look to Bella makes it worse. Something's off about that family... about Eden. Maybe it's good that they found each other then... I'm going to figure it out, for my Bella's sake.

Eden furrowed her brow, stopping just outside the entrance to the office. Her heart sank as she heard his thoughts, her hurt showing on her face. She didn't know what to think about it, but she tried to just shrug it off. It reminded her too much of the bullying she had gotten. It was strange, she mused, how people always knew there was something wrong, just never what. Obviously, she was used to it by that point, but a part of her hadn't expected it after a new start. Edward, noticing her fallen expression, grabbed her chin, tilting her head up.

"Hey," he started, his tone softer, "it gets easier. I promise, Eden. Besides, Mike has always been obnoxious. He probably came out of the womb screaming." 

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