[12] Weep

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Charlie called the girl's name from the living room as she stepped inside the house. "Eden?"

"Yeah, it's me." Eden walked in further to greet him, noting that he was watching a baseball game. His thoughts mirrored the next words to come out of his mouth.

"You're home early – Bells mentioned that you'd be back a bit later. It's not even eight yet."

Eden shrugged a bit, "Oh, well. I didn't notice. It was fun, though."

Edward had dropped her after a pleasant car ride home. Kindly, he had waited for her to walk inside before driving away, and she noted the sound of his Volvo leaving the driveway. Already, she missed him, but she was glad to be back at her home. The girl was ready to sleep.

She looks exhausted... Hopefully it was Edward Cullen that took her out and not that bigger one – Emery- or is it Emmett?  "Are you alright?"

"Just a bit tired, I did a bit of walking." At this, she mustered a smile and decided to appease the questions he was too afraid to ask. "Edward was a gentleman."

Charlie resumed his position on the tan leather couch, propping his feet on top of a pouf that matched the colour of the seat. He nodded at her with sincerity before glancing back at the game. "I'm glad to hear that." Without looking away from the television and speaking in an almost coy tone, Charlie playfully mused, "is that his jacket too?"

Eden's face was red as she strode up the stairs. She enjoyed the new dynamic she had found herself in with her uncle and hoped it would last. Despite sharing the same insecurities and fears as she had weeks ago, Eden felt more confident in her place at the Swans' house. Bella had showered, and it seemed she had been watching the door intently for Eden's return as she all but jumped to her feet. Immediately, Bella was standing, wrapping her cousin in a tight hug and frantically looking over her for any injuries.

"Are you okay? I can't believe you were left with him- I was so stupid!" the lighter brunette hissed. Eden was caught off-guard with the intense energy that she had been hit with.

"I'm fine, Bella, you- what?"

The girl in question flinched back suddenly and grabbed at the jacket that Eden was wearing with a sudden vehement repulsion. It was pulled off her quickly and thrown to the floor.

"What are you doing?" Eden asked with a pinched brow, pulling away. She went to pick up the Edward's jacket and had to shrink back as Bella kicked it further away.

"Don't touch it. I know what he is – I'm so sorry for leaving you alone with him, I only realised when I got home and by then it was too late... You could've been hurt – this is all my fault," Bella groaned, shaking her head. Distress visibly gripped her, and Eden felt a new wave of horror wash over her.

Eden took a second to grab her cousin's shoulders and steady her. "What are you talking about? You know what he is? What does that mean?"

"He's a vampire, Eden!" Bella yelled, waving her arms. "He's a vampire and you've been hanging out with him and- oh my god what if he's hurt you already- is family too... All the research and the book I got today- everything adds up. Pale, strong, he somehow saved you from being crushed by the van when I know he wasn't near us. He's... he's a... why aren't you saying anything?"

Eden blinked. Too many thoughts, for the first time in a long time only her own, raced through her head and she felt her palms grow clammy. Her mouth opened to answer, then closed again before opening and being left gaping. Concern for not only the Cullens but for her cousin gripped at her. Bella knew, which put her at risk. While she didn't doubt the humanity of the Cullen family in the sense that they wouldn't harm Eden, a part of her questioned whether this would be extended to Bella. Eden had protection – Edward would see to it that no harm was to cross her, but what stopped Bella from seeking more and being put in danger for her curiosity?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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