Chapter 10

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"We have her where we want her." Alaina had said into her cell phone, she was  talking and trying to drive at the same time. "She is sleeping, I'm driving her car back she is fine. She is going to live with me and Myra and she does not want anything to do with you for right now." Alaina had said, she was talking to Stephanie's father. 

"That is fine as long as she is not being hurt anymore, that is all that matters. We will deal with her and her mental state and her family that does still care about her when we cross that bridge. Thank you Alaina for bringing my girl home." Stephanie's father had replied. 

"No problem Jeff. I'm sure she still loves and cares about you too let's just give her some time to try to figure things out." Alaina had replied back. 

"I will e-mail you information about her birth mother's family. You should get it by the end of the day. I am being called into a meeting right now, I will be in touch again soon." Jeff had responded. 

There was movement and a noise coming from the backseat, were Stephanie was laying and was supposed to be sleeping. 

"OK thanks bye." Alaina had said hanging up and looking through the rear view mirror. To see that the sedation had worn off after only two in a half hours. Stephanie was sitting up and with both eyes glaring wide opened. 

"Good afternoon, how did you sleep?" Myra had asked from the passenger seat. 

"You were talking to my father, and don't say no I know that name and I know that voice. You sedated me and kidnapped me. Come on girls what is your master plan here?" 

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