Facing Fears

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Facing Fears.

I peed my pants. You heard me right I peed my pants. They crept out of the shadows and snatched me up from my sleeping quarters. My dog's metal churned together as it screamed at these strange people. They barked orders at me. A shiver ran down my spine because the cold tip of the handheld gun was pointed to my back. My dog stood in a pouncing stance.

"Shut it down!!! We are already running late." Their leader shouted.

The other lesser officer complied restraining my dog and pressing her to shut down button under her collarbone.

"It's not hospitable to touch someone else's dog" I snapped at the overly large man.

"It's not a real dog" I read his badge number. 13342B.

"Paws off the merchandise. I know my rights." I snarled.

"Your rights are obliterated when you are picked up." The leader gave me a toothless conniving smile.

"What?" I shook trying not to show how truly scared I was.

"It's your day. You're going on the cruise. Get dressed. Your parents are waiting outside." They turned their backs to me so I could toss something on.

I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of hurting me physically. I put on my gold and metallic gear. The V-neck romper with my shield hanging loosely off of it. One push of a button and I'm protected from bullets and a mini nuclear bomb. Welcome to the future.

The officers escorted me to say my farewells. Who knows if I'm ever going to see my parents again. I knew this day was coming. We all know its coming but we never know when.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nebraska now is the time to say what you wish," 13342B said.

Both my parents looked me in the eyes. Not a single tear was shed. The last words they said to me weren't there's. What they say to me wasn't by choice but was strictly required.

"There is no room for anything less than the best," My mom and dad said in union. I am blindfolded and taken away from my home.


I refused to whine or throw a fit. I knew the cruise was inevitable. I should feel lucky they didn't pick me up the day after I graduated from 8th grade.

It didn't take long to approach the docs. My blindfold was aggressively ripped from my face. "Ouch"

The lead officer shrugged at me. "Should have made our job easier. You thought we were hell wait until you get into there."

I observed my surroundings. There has to be a couple of hundred teenagers here. All snatched as I had been. You could tell by their attire we all are not from the same backgrounds. Some of us had luck some of us not so much.

"Welcome my dear Adolescents to The one and only Cruise. I am your host and tour guide, Mr. Oaks. I'll be making sure you all get settled in. We are currently at the docs in between the Us and Mexico regions. We will be shipped off shortly where we will sail out into the ocean around Pangea into the Big arctic lake below the Russia Region." Mr. Oaks was a skinny tall man wearing a top hat half his own height.

"This is taking too long. I have things I need to get to. Too much work. Too little time." I heard a short brunette say next to me. She wore a clock around her neck and large framed emotion detector glasses.

"You can't trust those glasses either. The newest models of technology aren't 100% guaranteed to work." I commented.

"I know they aren't. These are my prototypes. I'm working out the kinks. Once I'm done with them they will work" She smirked confidently.

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