It takes a moment but she replies.

"Sure. It's fine, I can do that. We aren't the closest of people, so he won't notice".

"Thank you so much. You've no idea what this means to me".

"Hey, don't make it a deal. It's just a favor".

One thing I love about Michelle, her ability to be just super chill about anything and everything.

I hear someone calling my name, so I quickly text her back once more.

"Sorry, gotta go. Thanks for the talk Michelle. I'll speak to you soon".


"Um, what?"

"Well, my friends call me MJ".

"Oh. Sure. Okay! See you soon, MJ :)"

"You're freaking out aren't you?"

"A little I guess"

"I knew it by the smiley face. See you".

And with that my friends, I HAVE A FEMALE FRIEND. HELL YES.

I leave my phone on my bed, and walk slowly to the kitchen, wincing a little with every step.
It's Peter, who runs to hug me the minute he sees me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you" he says quietly.

I laugh a little. "It's been 2 days. I'm not a doll".

"Well you're pretty like one" he says, observing my face before placing his hands on my cheeks. "You know, I always wish that you could come back, go to school, compete with the Decathlon team, and all that other stuff. I miss it".

I tilt my head slightly. "I guess. I mean, I'd be useless at Decathlon, but maybe other stuff". I release myself from his grasp and make my way over to the fridge to get water.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I'll be able to come over Friday. We can do that classic horror binge we were planning".

I stop in my tracks. "Wait, Peter I thought you had Marching Band on Fridays?".

Peter looks at his shoes, then back at me.

"Well you know, plans change" he shrugs.

I let out a sigh. "Peter, you promised me you wouldn't do this".

"Do what?" He asks, confused.

"When you quit Robotics to have more time to spend with me, I told you that it wasn't fair to walk away from things for me. Now, you're quitting Band? You're already putting off school as it is! Why are you doing this?" I say, trying not to sound too annoyed.

"Okay, this isn't just about you. I have other reasons too" he says, but he doesn't sound sure himself.

"Well, until now, you lived a normal life. Why are you using me as an excuse to not have that?! I want that more than anything, and I can't have it. You have a chance, and you're wasting it" I huff.

"Excuse me? Does having weird powers lead to a 'normal life'?! I don't have that either. I got rid of that 7 months ago when I got these stupid abilities. You do realize not everything is about you" he says angrily.

Right. Now I'm pissed.

"Listen here, Parker, I'm not trying to make it all about me. I'm just worried about you. I've never liked having people running around after me. How do you think I feel watching everyone worry about me?! Wishing I could do something to help?! I hate it! But pardon me, I crossed a line" I spit back at him. He looks even more annoyed now.

"Well, I'll just pretend not to care anymore! I'll pretend I'm not scared to see you die in front of me, or worse, when I'm not there. I'll do that just for you!" He exclaims, walking away from me.

That's when I lose control and blast the wall beside him to stop him from leaving. He turns around in shock and stares at me, but I'm not backing down. I march right up to him so I'm in his face.

"Scared? SCARED?! You think you're scared?! Well imagine, just for one second, that's its actually happening to you! Imagine having something you never wanted killing you from the inside out! Imagine being terrified of not knowing if you're gonna wake up the next day! Imagine being scared of losing control again and maybe even killing someone! Oh no! But YOU, YOU have it tough!" I shout, and with all my might, punching the wall and leaving a massive dent. It's then, I calm down start crying silently. I sink to the floor and put my back against the wall.

After a moment or two, Peter sits beside me, and I look up at him but my vision is blurry.
He pulls me into him and I hug him tightly, crying into his shoulder. He holds me tight too.
"Pete, I'm scared" I whisper through the tears. He lifts my head off his shoulder and looks at me.

"I know, believe me. But don't you worry, because I am going to be here to annoy you and pester you and make your life a living hell until Tony finds a cure" he says, making me smile for a second.

"But what if there's n-" I begin but he cuts me off by kissing me, which shuts me up.

He rests his forehead against mine and says quietly "Let's not think about that. He'll find a way, and it will all be okay".

I really want to believe him, more than anything, but I know deep down that whatever is going to happen, it won't 'all be okay', because it's me.

I am a reoccurring disaster, and this is probably the last one that I can handle.

Dusk // Peter Parker (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now