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Jenny sipped her wine casually as she for sure knew what was just going on in the city

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Jenny sipped her wine casually as she for sure knew what was just going on in the city. It was going to fall; all of it. The blonde knew that she was going to die. She was going to get burned alive as the blonde Targaryen would step inside the red keep. Her mother was in one of her chambers watching the Targaryen queen burning their weapons. Jenny sat on an old trainings courtyard which gave her a clear look towards the burning iron fleet together with an bow and an trainings target at least that kept her from killing herself out of boredom. The only good thing about it was that Euron was dead now. He was such an annoying person. She saw his stupid smirk in her head. The worst thing was that she had to sit there and do nothing. Her eyes trailed over the sky realizing that there flew a raven over her head. Within seconds she shot it from the sky. It fell towards the ground like an rock and his body cracked as he hit the stones. But the more interest thing was that that there was an message tied to his leg. And even better the Lannister sigil was on it making the message more than weird. She opened it after she removed it from the leg of the dead animal.

There's still a chance for your survival. Jamie is waiting for you in the secret harbor we're  Jenny hit as an child

Signed Tyrion Lannister. Signed Tyrion fucking Lannister. That was treason and it would cost his head. And Jenny knew Daenerys would snap under the pressure. And the only thing she wanted was to put an arrow through her torso before she had to hear people burning alive. Her small, naked feet trailed through the Red Keep as the light violet fabric of her dress waved behind her. Her palms were sweating while her feet where cold. The blonde strands of hair started to stick to the skin on her back. She pushed the door open without care. For sure there was a sword pointing towards her immediately. The aura in the room was different than usually. Weaker and heated.

"Mother" She whispered as the monster took his sword down. She watched the short haired woman turn around in slow motion. Jenny couldn't wait so she just slammed the letters into her mothers hands. "Would you mind to leave us alone" She said towards the maester. "I mean would you fuck of before I push you out off this window?" She mumbled as the man didn't moved. He did it after she said that sharp sentence. Her mother took in the information.

"I'm not taking words from that imp serious" She just spat as she kept watching the fire.

"Okay good go on die here alone without anyone but an monster and an psychopath because I'll go see the man I'm going to marry and the man I love because as you all idiots die here I'm going to the Westerlands. And if you wouldn't be that selfish you would even care about your child and the only person that still enjoys your company" The blonde spit out before she turned to the door.

"Jensen why don't I know about you marrying?" She snapped as she almost grabbed her roughly. But she kept herself from that in the knowledge that she was an woman. A free being that she couldn't control all the time.

"Podrick proposed to me after we fought a bloody war while you rested here"

"Leaving out the part where you probably fuck him"

"Yes and that I'll be able to do this again I'll go now and you have the chance to do it if there's humanity left in you" The blonde snapped before heating out. Cersei was left yet heart broken. Left by her own daughter.

Jenny's eyes left exactly one tear as she walked towards her chamber to get anything. But as she walked towards her room she heard a dreadful cracking and stones crashing and everything seemed to heat up immediately.

"Holy fuck" She yelled to herself as far from her the the wall disappeared into flames. Her feet started to bleed as she ran down the stable as fast as she could. She jumped onto the chestnut colored horse without bothering to put a saddle on. Once again she took the trail towards the mud gate again. The gate was opened but clouded with people. Without much care she rode through the group of men. Behind the gate she made the horse gallop faster than ever before. Sweat build under her seat as her hands held onto the mane tightly. Soon she arrived an almost empty camp. Just a few people remained there.

"Who goes there?"A guard asked as he stepped in front of the terrified horse.

"Jensen Lannister of Kingslanding I'm looking for Sir Podrick Payne of Rosehigh"

"And why is a fucking Lannister looking for the squire of the imp?" The other guard asked cockily as he observed her feet and her dress. She was for sure high born.

"Because we were promised as an prove of our loyalty to the smaller houses to secure their loyalty to the crown"

"He is preparing to join the battle" The other one snapped in and let her in. She made her horse go on as the men kept watching her until her shadow disappeared.

"Pod" She yelled desperately as she started shaking out of fear. The fear that he was battling with the fire in there. Once again a memory from the time where she was with Ramsay gleamed up.

She was screaming as he held an gleamed stick to her right hip. Her throat was dry from the yelling from the torture of the last hours. The only thing she saw was the fire once again.

The weeks after that she was scared of every little fire that burned in Winterfell before Ramsay ran sick of her and tied her in the courtyard. Still she couldn't allow fire a feet near her but from year to year it got better.


"Pod" She said released as she hopped off the horse as he caught her with his hands on her hips. A smile appeared on her lips as he did that. She felt secured and save in that really moment and wanted to be caught like that everyday. "Catch me like this every time I mount a bloody horse and I'll fuck you until you put twins in me" She whispered in his ear as she pulled him into an long hug. He giggled into her hair as he pulled her body towards his as much as he could.

"It was terrible to be away from you for so very long not knowing if you're well or not" He whispered in her ear as he didn't wanted to let go of her for the rest of their time before Brienne ripped them apart looking first at Pod sternly then at Jenny almost shocked.

"You ready?" Brienne asked as her eyes trailed back to Pod.

"My lord my advice is : don't go in there. A fight between stubborn toddlers is not worth fighting. Or if you go you go alone"Jenny said brave as she took Podricks hand.

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